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This is a simple networking layer for your next iOS project.


Whenever I start a new side project, I always find myself making the same, boiler plate code for my networking layer. While I could use a popular and well established networking library, I usually want something a little more simple and something I can easily tailor to my projects if needed. So, I figured I may as well make a small library and better yet, allow the community to use and iterate on it with me. My goal is to make this a robust while keeping it as expandable and simple as possible.


This library really revolves around the idea of a Routable which should be used to define a collection of endpoint information for an API.

The protocol looks like this:

public protocol Routable {
  var baseUrl: String { get }
  var method: HTTPMethod { get }
  var path: String { get }
  var parameters: HTTPParameters { get }
  var body: HTTPBody? { get }
  var headers: HTTPHeaders? { get }
  var contentType: HTTPContentType { get }

I typically use an enum and implement Routable on the enum as seen here:

enum APIRoutable: Routable {
  case allPosts
  case createPost(title: String, content: String)
  // ...

Each of the endpoint information variables can then be computed variables with a switch that builds the content depending on the enum and the enums associated values.

Once you have your routable, a request can simply be made using APIClient

class APIService {
  let client = APIClient()
  // ...
  func getAllPosts(completion: @escaping ((Response?) -> Void)) {
    client.request(for: APIRoutable.allPosts) { (result: Result<Response, Error>) in
      switch result:
      case .failure(let error):
      case .success(let response):
  // ...

It's quite easy to send a request to your API using APIClient and Routables. This is a Combine first library though, so there are also methods for creating publishers for the requests. This allows you to easily mutate the downstream result of a request publisher.

class APIService {
  // ...
  func createPost(title: String, content: String) -> AnyPublisher<Bool, Never> {
    client.requestPublisher(for: APIRoutable.createPost(title: title, content: content))
      .map { (response: PostResponse) in
        return response.success
      .replaceError(with: false)
  // ...

Advanced Usage

If you are the type of person that would like a little more control over how your networking layer works, you can use the protocol RemoteClient. APIClient conforms to this protocol and it only defines a few methods for sending requests with Routable. Another reason I made this a protocol was so that instead of making APIClient the type of your client, you can make it RemoteClient and easily override it in tests. This allows you to easily setup a class for sending mocked responses back to your APIService

class APIService {
  private let client: RemoteClient

  init(client: RemoteClient) {
    self.client = client

// In your app
service = APIService(client: APIClient())

// In your tests
service = APIService(client: TestableClient())

class TestableClient: RemoteClient {
  // ...


Since I'm still figuring out how I want this library to work, the changes will be very volatile, but I expect it to get stable very quickly as I work on it more. I appreciate any suggested changes and encourage you to contribute.


KantanNetworking is licensed under MIT. See LICENSE (c) Alex Fargo (x)


A simple networking library for your next iOS project







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