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SportsBook Project


SportsBook is an Android application that showcases upcoming sports events. Built with Kotlin and utilizing the Jetpack Compose framework along with Material3 design components, the app offers a modern UI and seamless user experience. Users can browse events by sport type, mark events as favorites, and see a countdown timer for upcoming events.


  • Display a list of upcoming sports events.
  • Filter events by sport type and favorites.
  • Countdown timer for each event.
  • Dark mode toggle for theme preference.

Main Dependencies

  • Retrofit: For network calls.
  • Moshi: For JSON parsing.
  • Coroutine Flow: For asynchronous data streaming.
  • Hilt: For dependency injection.
  • Jetpack Compose: For UI development.
  • AndroidX material3: Provides Material3 design components for modern UI.
  • JUnit Jupiter (JUnit 5): For unit testing.


The app follows the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture pattern:

  • Model: Represents the data layer, handling the business logic of the app.
  • View: Comprises the UI components, presenting data to the user.
  • ViewModel: Acts as a bridge between the Model and View, managing UI-related data.


The data layer includes:

  • PreferencesHelper: Manages user preferences, including favorites and theme settings.
  • SportsApi: Defines the network calls to fetch sports events.
  • SportsResponseItem & GameDetailsInfo: Data classes for parsing the API responses.
  • SportsRepositoryImpl: Provides an abstraction over the data source and exposes data to the domain layer.


The domain layer of the SportsBook application encapsulates the core business logic and defines interfaces for data access, error handling, and user preferences.

Error Handling

The error handling mechanism is robust, ensuring that the app can gracefully handle and recover from errors. It includes:

  • ErrorState: Captures the current state of an error, including the message, type, and any corrective action.
  • ErrorType: An enumeration that classifies errors into categories such as network issues, server errors, or general errors.
  • ErrorAction: Defines an action to resolve an error, such as a retry operation.


The Preferences interface abstracts the underlying storage mechanism for user preferences, providing methods to:

  • Save and load favorite events.
  • Toggle the dark theme.
  • General toggle settings for various configurations.


The SportsRepository interface defines the contract for the data layer to fetch sports events. This abstraction allows for a clear separation of concerns and easier testing.


MainViewModel is responsible for managing UI-related data and handling user interactions. It serves as an intermediary between the repository layer and the UI components, ensuring a separation of concerns and cleaner codebase.

Key Responsibilities

  • Fetching Data: The fetchData function retrieves sports events data asynchronously and updates the UI state accordingly.
  • Error Handling: Errors are managed gracefully, providing user-friendly feedback and recovery options.
  • Favorites Management: Users can mark events as favorites, which are then stored and retrieved using shared preferences.
  • Dark Theme Toggle: The ViewModel listens for theme changes and updates the UI to reflect the user's dark or light theme preference.
  • Sorting Preferences: Sorting preferences for sports events are stored and used to sort the events based on user preference.
  • UI Refresh: Handles UI refresh triggers to ensure the screen is updated with the latest data.

LiveData Observables

  • _sportsEvents: LiveData that holds the list of sports events.
  • _isLoading: LiveData that reflects the loading state of data fetching.
  • _isDarkTheme: LiveData that indicates whether the dark theme is enabled.
  • _errorState: LiveData that holds the current error state, if any.


  • sortFavoritesBySport: Sorts the sports events based on favorites when the sorting preference is enabled.
  • resetSportSort: Resets the sorting order of sports events to the original state.
  • clearErrorState: Clears the current error state to prevent duplicate error messages.
  • toggleSportSorting: Toggles the sorting preference for the sports events.


The presentation layer in SportsBook consists of three primary screens, each designed with Jetpack Compose using Material3 design components for a cohesive and modern user experience.

Profile Screen

ProfileScreen is a user-centric screen that allows users to view and interact with their personal information. It features:

  • A CenterAlignedTopAppBar for easy navigation.
  • A welcoming message within a Card composable that greets users to their profile.

Settings Screen

SettingsScreen offers users the ability to customize their app experience. Key functionalities include:

  • An integrated SwitchWithIcon composable for toggling settings such as dark mode.
  • Reactive UI updates that reflect changes in user preferences.

SportsBook Screen

The main screen of the app, SportsBookScreen, presents the upcoming sports events and allows users to interact with them:

  • A LazyColumn lists sports events, which users can mark as favorites.
  • Includes a SnackbarHost for showing messages and actions based on events such as errors or updates.
  • A dynamic UI that responds to live data changes and user interactions.


The UI layer of the SportsBook app consists of a collection of reusable components and composables that adhere to Material Design principles for a consistent and modern user interface.


  • ActionIconButton: A customizable icon button used throughout the app for user actions.
  • AppSwitch: A toggle switch for settings such as the dark mode.
  • AppText: A stylized text component used for displaying information.
  • FavoriteIcon: Indicates and toggles the favorite status of sports events.
  • Loader: Displays a loading animation during data fetching operations.
  • SportIcon: Represents sports with icons.


  • CountDownTimer: Shows the remaining time until an event starts.
  • ErrorMessage: Displays errors in a user-friendly manner.
  • SportCard: Presents detailed information for a specific sports event.
  • SportsBookTopBar: The top app bar providing navigation and access to different screens.
  • SportsEventsList: Lists all sports events.
  • SwitchWithIcon: A switch component paired with an icon for a more informative UI toggle.


The utils section of the SportsBook project contains utility functions that aid in sorting sports events and formatting countdown timers.


The SportEventUtils file contains the following utility functions:

  • sortSportsFavorites: Sorts a list of sports by favorites, ensuring that events marked as favorites appear first.
  • sortSportEventByFavorites: Sorts a list of sport events by favorites, ensuring that favorite events appear first.
  • toCountdownFormat: Formats a given duration in milliseconds into a countdown timer format (HH:mm:ss).

UI Tests

Package gr.sportsbook.presentation.screens contains UI tests for various screen functionalities.

  • SportsBookScreenTest: Tests UI elements and interactions on the SportsBook screen.
  • AppScreensRobot: Helper class for UI testing navigation and interactions.

Unit Tests

Package contains unit tests for repository functionality.

  • SportsRepositoryImplTest: Tests repository functions with fake data.
  • SportsApiFake: Provides fake data and error responses for testing.

Package gr.sportsbook.utils contains utility classes and unit tests.

  • SportEventUtilsTest: Tests utility functions for sorting and formatting sports events.


SportsBookScreen SettingsScreen ProfileScreen
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SportsBookScreen SettingsScreen ProfileScreen
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