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A WHMCS API designed to run standalone or as part of a Laravel Application


  • PHP 8.1

Why this package?

WHMCS already has an extensive API. Why build another API? The reason is quite simple:

The WHMCS API code examples depend on CURL. Mocking CURL is possible but complicated. Instead, Laravel already has beautiful HTTP testing and Http::fake mocking. Using Laravel (and in this case, Pest) means application development is sped up tremendously. Essentially you get away from testing against development servers. Even if you're not using Laravel, the framework's testing ability means it's possibly to write more complex software that's fail safe.


WHMCS API Permissions

  • You need to allow the IP address of the computer connecting to WHMCS
  • You need to set API permissions

List of API permissions required:

  • addclient
  • getclientsdetails
  • getclientsdomains
  • custom list of API calls you are developing

Custom API calls

WHMCS removed the ability to add custom API calls but with a bit of hacking you can get it working again.

An example of a custom API call would be to get a client by their phone number. Let's call this getclientbyphonenumber. At least two steps are required.

  1. Code the API call
  2. Inject the permission into the database

Code the API call

You'll first have to first code the API function and save it here: includes/api/getclientbyphoneumber.php


use WHMCS\Database\Capsule;

if (!defined("WHMCS"))
    die("This file cannot be accessed directly");

try {
    $client = Capsule::table('tblclients')
        ->where("phonenumber", $_REQUEST['phonenumber'])

    if ($client) {
        $apiresults = [
            "result" => "success",
            "message" => "ok",
            'clientid' => $client->id,
    } else {
        $apiresults = [
            "result" => "error",
            "message" => "not found",
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $apiresults = ["result" => "error", "message" => $e->getMessage()];

Next to use the custom API call getclientbyphonenumber you need to manually update tblapi_roles to add it. Also remmeber to update it every time again you make a change because the UI will overwrite the custom API call.


If you haven't added the PHP file yet, you'll get API Function Not Found

Framework Agnostic PHP


use FintechSystems\WhmcsApi\WhmcsApi;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$dotenv = Dotenv\Dotenv::createImmutable(__DIR__);

$server = [
    'url'            => env('WHMCS_URL'),
    'api_identifier' => env('WHMCS_API_IDENTIFIER'),
    'api_secret'     => env('WHMCS_API_SECRET'),

$api = new WhmcsApi($server);

$result = $api->getClients();

Laravel Installation

Publish the configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=whmcs-config


See CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Set Server

Provides the ability to connect to a secondary WHMCS server away from the Facade initiation

    'url'            => env('WHMCS_URL2'),
    'api_secret'     => env('WHMCS_API_SECRET2'),
    'api_identifier' => env('WHMCS_API_IDENTIFIER2'),

Change Package

Change Package

Framework Agnostic PHP:

$newServiceId = 5;

$api = new WhmcsApi;

Laravel App:

Change server

Since we're using a Facade that's instantiated when it's called, we need some other way to call the contructor when we're connecting to another server.

public function setServer($server) {
        $this->url            = $server['url'];
        $this->api_identifier = $server['api_identifier'];
        $this->api_secret     = $server['api_secret'];
$newServiceId = 5;



A new package is applied to the service. If the package is linked to an API, the API will be called.



If you want to run individual tests, append ->only(); to each test.

To test custom API actions, use a script such as the following:

sh .scp updateclientaddon.php;./vendor/bin/pest

The .scp file should have a copy command, e.g.:

echo "Present Working Directory:"
echo "Copying $1 to WHMCS install directory"

cp includes/api/$1 ../whmcs/includes/api
echo "Done."
ls -la ../whmcs/includes/api/$1

No errors on API actions but not working

API actions are difficult to troubleshoot if you don't observe the server log file. Only some exceptions e.g. model problems will be caught by the Try Catch block. So help tail your server log file. For example, if you're using Laravel's Valet's NGinx server do this:

tail -f ~/.valet/Log/nginx-error.log

Invalid IP

If you get Invalid IP that means you haven't allowed WHMCS API access from localhost.

Navigate here: https://whmcs.test/admin/configgeneral.php and make sure you add to API IP Access Restriction.

Invalid or missing credentials

If you get Invalid or missing credentials that means you haven't added API roles and API credentials. Both are required before you can test. Also be sure to add them to your .env file:


Invalid Permissions: API action "addclient" is not allowed

If you get Invalid Permissions: API action "addclient" is not allowed that means although you've added API roles and credentials, your roles are not set up properly for the API call. Revisit roles and the requisite subsection and see where you have to click the checkbox to allow this API call.

Storage folder examples

The storage folder has examples API responses, also used for caching during tests.

Local Editing

For local editing, add this to composer.json:

"repositories" : [
            "type": "path",
            "url": "../whmcs-php-api"

Then in require section:

"fintech-systems/whmcs-php-api": "dev-main",

Then do this to symlink:

composer require fintech-systems/whmcs-php-api:dev-main




eugene (at)
+27 82 309-6710 I'm available for WHMCS consulting.