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PHP Calculator for arithmetic expressions

PHP calculator which evaluates different arithmetic expressions:

2+5.9       = 7.9
3.5^(2-5)   = 0.02332361516035
5-(2*(1+2)) = -1

The included functions by default are sqrt(x) and log(base, arg), but there is also an option to add custom functions with any number of arguments.

Basic usage

use \Fintara\Tools\Calculator\Calculator;

$calculator = Calculator::create(); // use default tokenizer
echo $calculator->calculate('1+2*3/4'); // 2.5

Advanced usage

Custom functions

You can add custom functions:

  • name: name of the function, as it will be used in expressions. All lower case and _ (underscore) allowed.
  • implementation: how to evaluate the function.
$calculator->addFunction('cbrt', function($x) {
    return pow($x, 1/3);

echo $calculator->calculate('cbrt(27)'); // 3


You can also use the tokenizer (or supply calculator with your own):

$tokenizer = new Tokenizer();
$tokens = $tokenizer->tokenize('1+2*3.5'); // [1, '+', 2, '*', 3.5]

In case the expression contains functions (e.g. sqrt(x)), the tokenizer needs to know all functions' names as second parameter.

$tokens = $tokenizer->tokenize('1+sqrt(4)', ['sqrt']); // [1, '+', 'sqrt', '(', 4, ')']

Note: The default tokenizer automatically adds * (multiplication) sign between a number and following function or a number and following parenthesis (if the sign is not found).

$tokens = $tokenizer->tokenize('2 (1 + 3)'); // [2, '*', '(', 1, '+', 3, ')']



  • Added LICENSE


  • Breaking: operator mod is renamed to %.
  • Breaking: addFunction does not need number of arguments anymore (removed 3rd argument).
  • Breaking: adding function with existing name throws. You can use the helper replaceFunction.
  • Breaking: getReversePolishNotation is private.
  • Breaking: setExpression is removed. Use directly calculate($expression).
  • Breaking: ILexer and DefaultLexer are replaced with TokenizerInterface and Tokenizer respectively.