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Repository files navigation

The Finkelstein Lab

How to Update Information

Repetitive data that changes over time (lab members, news) is stored in _data/*.md. If you need to add or modify a job category, those are kept in

Papers go in papers/_posts/ and must have a name in the format YYYY-MM-DD-description. The description can be any text, but if it's absent the paper won't show up. There is a template in the _posts directory ( that can be copied when creating a new paper from scratch.

Other pages are typically in a directory with the same name, e.g. the "Join us!" page is in join/ You usually should not need to modify HTML files anywhere, just the Markdown.

The links in the navigation bar at the top of each page are defined in _includes/themes/lab/default.html.

Homepage carousel images go in /assets/images/gallery. Member photos go in /assets/images/members.

PDFs for publications go in /assets/pdfs. Be careful when adding PDFs from a publisher that names all PDFs the same thing.
