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Unconscious WM meta-analysis

This is the repository for the paper "Unconscious Visual Working Memory. A critical review and Bayesian meta-analysis". Details about the project can be found on OSF

Analysis Folder

This folder contains the full .Rproj in order to reproduce all the analysis, figures, tables and supplementary materials. The folder structure is the following:

  • data/ contains the raw and cleaned data
  • figures/ contains figures generated for the paper
  • functions/ custom functions used in the analysis
  • mod/ and mod/sensitivity_analysis are the folders for fitted models and sensitivity analysis. These folders are empty because of the size. The content of this folder can be reproduced using the 1_models.R and 2_sensitivity_analysis.R script
  • objects/ contains the results of post-processing of the mod folder such as models tables and other relevant metrics
  • renv/ this folder contains a reproducible R environment in order to have the appropriate version for each relevant package
  • supplementary_materials/ contains the .Rmd file to reproduce the supplementary materials .pdf
  • tables/ contains all tables in .pdf and .docx format

The scripts are numerated and allow to reproduce the entire analysis:

  • 0_preprocessing.R: takes the raw data and create the cleaned version for the analysis
  • 1_models.R: for fitting all the relevant models
  • 2_sensitivity_analysis.R: for computing the prior and LOO sensitivity analysis
  • 3_post_processing_models.R: for creating models tables and summary statistics
  • 4_post_processing_sensitivity.R: for creating sensitivity analysis tables and summary statistics
  • 5_creating_figures.R: to reproduce figures of the paper
  • 6_creating_tables.R: to reproduce tables of the paper


Statistical analysis for the unconscious meta-analysis paper





