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Collection of #!/bin/bash scripts created to help automate the initial build or subsequent rebuild of AOSP (or variants) from source for a number of devices. Each script follows a similar approach, the instructions below are in general applicable to all. In essence each script automates the steps and processes created by others (none of which is my own work - all credit goes to the orignal creators).

  • ./
  • ./
  • ./
  • ./ {N5100|N5110|N5120}
  • ./ --device dream2lte --build-type full -c -g -r
  • etc

I have only tested these scripts on my own environment: Gnome Ubuntu 19.04; 16GB RAM; i7-7700HQ; If your environment differs from this then your experience may differ from mine. Setting up your build environment is beyond the scope of this readme, there's lots of good advice / examples out there.

  • spookcity138 & jimmy999x. For being open to questions on building for kminilte, taking the time to educate me at each and every tentative step and demonstrating great patience.
  • flyhalf205 for advice on building for Lineage 15 on M9.
  • anddisa For being open to questions on building for grouper/tilapia and demonstrating great patience.


How to execute the build script

Step 1 - Setup/Configure Compiler Cache (ccache)

Having ccache setup and configured correctly will significantly speed up subsequent compile times. In my environment I've seen compile times drop from ~90 minutes, to ~25 minutes and down to just 5 minutes under certain conditions. Your mileage may vary.

Install ccache (Ubuntu)

sudo apt-get install ccache

Configure environment variables, by editing ~/.bashrc and adding the following at the bottom of the script

export USE_CCACHE=1
export CCACHE_DIR="$HOME/.ccache" # Set Compile Cache location
export CCACHE_SIZE="15G" # Set compile cache size (increase as necessary)
export CCACHE_COMPRESS=1 # Save space in compile cache
export CCACHE_EXEC="/usr/bin/ccache"

Reload bashrc to incorporate above change

source ~/.bashrc

The stats for the cache can be seen using ccache -s, the stats (such as cache hit success) will improve over time.

Step 2 - configure Jacks Server to use 4GB memory (mitigates OOM Error)

Configure environment variables, by editing ~/.bashrc and adding the following at the bottom of the script

export ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS="-Xmx4g -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation"

Reload bashrc to incorporate above change

source ~/.bashrc
Step 3 - Install the build script:

Ensure the script (named: is located in the following folder


Make sure the script has execute permissions

chmod ug+x ~/android/build_scripts/
Step 4 - Validate script variables:

Open the the file and validate the variable defaults such as: WORK_DIRECTORY; SLIM_REVISION; REPO_SYNC_THREADS, etc etc, are appropriate for your intended build version and folder structure and hardware/broadband capability, ie:

vi ~/android/build_scripts/

Step 5 - Execute Script:

Change the the script directory and execute the script:

cd ~/android/build_scripts


Collection of scripts to build android roms from source






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