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Android Studio Clean Architecture Templates

This is an Android Studio template for apps written in Kotlin, using Clean Architecture, MVP and packaging by feature

Generated Files Hierarchy

│   ├── di/
│   │   ├── component/
│   │   │   ├── AppComponent.kt
│   │   │   ├── BaseFeatureComponent.kt
│   │   │   ├── YourFeatureComponent.kt
│   │   │   └── ...
│   │   ├── module/
│   │   │   ├── AppModule.kt
│   │   │   ├── YourFeatureModule.kt
│   │   │   └── ...
│   │   ├── qualifier/
│   │   │   └── AppQualifier.kt
│   │   └── scope/
│   │   │   ├── AppScope.kt
│   │   │   ├── YourFeatureScope.kt
│   │   │   └── ...
│   └── presentation/
│       ├── base/
│       │   ├── BaseActivity.kt
│       │   ├── BaseContract.kt
│       │   ├── BaseFragment.kt
│       │   ├── BaseIntentBuilder.kt
│       │   ├── BasePresenter.kt
│       │   └── ViewTypeDelegate.kt
│       ├── common/
│       │   ├── AppSchedulerProvider.kt
│       │   ├── ObservableView.kt
│       │   └── SchedulerProvider.kt
│       ├── somefeature/
│       │   ├── YourFeatureActivity.kt
│       │   ├── YourFeatureContract.kt
│       │   ├── YourFeatureFragment.kt
│       │   └── YourFeaturePresenter.kt
│       └── ...
└── res/
    └── layout/
        ├── activity_some_feature.xml
        └── fragment_some_feature.xml


  • Your app must be written in Kotlin

  • The generated files will be located in the kotlin source set


    Add this to your module build.gradle

    sourceSets { += 'src/main/kotlin'
  • You must use:

    • AppCompat for the base classes
      implementation "$appCompatVersion"
      implementation "$designVersion"
    • RxJava 2 for the SchedulerProvider used in the presenters
      implementation "io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:$rootProject.ext.rxJavaVersion"
      implementation "io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:$rootProject.ext.rxAndroidVersion"
    • Dagger 2 for dependency injection. BaseContract, BaseActivity and BaseFragment are already implement an easy way of injecting your dependencies
      implementation "$daggerVersion"
      kapt "$daggerVersion"


For Mac:

  1. Copy the CleanArchitectureMVP directory to $ANDROID_STUDIO_FOLDER$/Contents/plugins/android/lib/templates/
  2. Restart Android Studio

For Windows:

  1. Copy the CleanArchitectureMVP directory to $ANDROID_STUDIO_FOLDER$\plugins\android\lib\templates\
  2. Restart Android Studio

How to use

Generate Base boilerplate

  1. In Android Studio, select the Project view
  2. Right click and select New > Clean + MVP > Base and Common. This will generate the presentation/base and presentation/common packages and files

Generate Dagger2 boilerplate

  1. In Android Studio, select the Project view
  2. Right click and select New > Clean + MVP > DependencyInjection - App. This will generate the di/component, di/module, di/qualifier and di/scope packages and files.
  3. In you Application file create a companion object:
companion object {
    lateinit var appComponent: AppComponent
  1. In the onCreate method add the following:
appComponent = DaggerAppComponent.builder()

Generate Dagger2 feature component

  1. In Android Studio, select the Project view
  2. Right click and select New > Clean + MVP > DependencyInjection - Feature. This will generate a component, a module and a scope for the feature
  3. In your AppComponent interface, add the following method:
fun instantiateComponent(module: YourFeatureModule): YourFeatureComponent

Where YourFeatureModule should be replaced by the generated class in di/module and YourFeatureComponent should be replaced by the generated class in di/component 4. In YourFeatureComponent add the fun inject() methods required to inject your activities and fragments that depend on that component 5. In your Application class, add the following: 5.1 a property to hold the component reference private var yourFeatureComponent: YourFeatureComponent? = null 5.2 the following methods to get and release the component:

fun instantiateYourFeatureComponent(activity: FragmentActivity): YourFeatureComponent? {
    if (featureComponent == null) {
        featureComponent = appComponent.instantiateComponent(FeatureModule(activity))

    return featureComponent

fun releaseFeatureComponent() {
    featureComponent = null

Where YourFeatureComponent should be replaced by the generated class in di/component and the method names should be meaningful, the first starting with instantiante and the second one starting with release

Feature - Presentation

  1. In Android Studio, select the Project view
  2. Right click and select New > Clean + MVP > Feature - Presentation
  3. Type in the Name of the feature, e.g. TopUp, Checkout, PaymentMethods
  4. Everything else is done automatically, following the guidelines and convetions defined by the team
  5. You can uncheck the boxes in case you don't want to create: 5.1 the Contract and the Presenter 5.2 the Activity with layout 5.3 the Fragment with layout
  6. If you created an activity don't forget to add it to the AndroidManifest
  7. If you created an activity and/or a fragment, remember to check the TODOs.

Things you need to know if you're planning on editing this templates

  1. Don't do it
  2. They use ApacheFreeMarker (.ftl extension)
  3. This is probably the best docummentation online. Other than that there are several github repositories, this tutorial and this article
  4. Since srcDir and srcOut are only mapped to the java source set, there is a property in globals.xml.ftl named kotlinMainSourceSet which does srcOut?replace('java','kotlin') and is used in recipe.xml.ftl
  5. Since classToResource would convert SomeCompositeName to some_composite_name and that doesn't follow the recommended convetion for package names, there are several ?replace('_', '') in recipe.xml.ftl and in *.kt.ftl files located at [TEMPLATE]\root\src\app_package
  6. Since applicationIdSuffix in build.gradle would afftect where the files are generated there is a property in globals.xml.ftl named kotlinMainSourceSet which does srcOut?replace('.debug|.staging|.systest', '', 'r') that is used in recipe.xml.ftl and a property named mainSourceSetPackage which does packageName?replace('.debug|.staging|.systest', '', 'r') and is used in all *.kt.ftl at [TEMPLATE]\root\src\app_package
  7. In the ?replace() function the first argument can be a regex, and if that's the case than the funcion takes r as the third argument