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611 (SixEleven) v6.1.1-rc1

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@fflo fflo released this 20 Jan 00:28
· 90 commits to master.611 since this release


this is the first 611 (SixEleven) release candidate. It's been a while since there has been any further feature requests or reports of issues, so I decided to tag the current master.611 tree to 611-rc1.

Enjoy your free and anonymous domain name system, enjoy setting your up your anonymous name and id objects or other related applications under the domain.

Mining Guide:
(A) Solo Mining:
(1) Just place your miner to your 611d rpc port and use your rpc username and password for authentication
(2) Merged mine SixEleven gogether with Bitcoin using P2Pool is the recommended way to mine SIL. You can download P2Pool for free on - run it local with python like i.e.
~/p2pool/ --give-author 0.2 YourBitcoinRpcUsername YourBitcoinRpcPassword --merged http://YourSixElevenRpcUsername:YourSixElevenRpcPassword@ -f YourNodeFeeInPercent --max-conns 44 --outgoing-conns 8 --numaddresses 11--address YourBitCoinAddressForNodeFee
(B) Pool Mining:
Point your miner to with the following configuration:
Port: 9332
User: YourBitcoinAddress
Pass: AnyPasswordYouLike_its_ignored
Claim your SIL with reference to your shares on ... work is done to auto payout generated SIL. Hold on for the latest status...

Quick Start:
You may buy some SixEleven (SIL) for private or research purpose online using or using your favorite crypto coin exchange supporting SIL.

Manage Name Examples:

  • register as a dedicated web service:
    (1) New name: d/yourname
    (2) click the tab "IP configuration" and enter:
    IP Address: Your.Webserver.IP.Address i.e.
    (3) finish registration with OK
    Note: you may also register dualstack, both an IPv4 and IPv6 address using the "custom configuration", like i.e.:
  • forward to your website url:
    (1) New name: d/yourname
    (2) click the tab "custom configuration" and enter your website url:
    Note: In case of multi website hosting trouble use the redirect service:
    (3) finish registration with OK.
  • forward to a tor project onion (hidden) website making it available worldwide:
    (1) New name: d/yourname
    (2) click the tab "custom configuration" and enter (i.e. to forward to wikileaks onion website):
    (3) finish registration with OK.
    Note: is an external service. Access using Tor or the TorBrowser bundle results in a direct website access redirect; Access using any other Internet browser should work on your own risk using their public gateway service.

To reduce the bandwidth requirement of your client copy and to enhance your privacy you may start the service using the option: " -nolisten"
The use of Tor or TorBrowser is supported by setting up a Socks server: Settings -> Options -> Connect through socks proxy: Proxy IP:, Port 9050 and Socks Version 5 should be fine using the Tor standalone client package. In case you are using the TorBrowser package you need to modify the port setting to 9150!

SixEleven (611) is provided 'as-is', 'with all faults' and 'as available'. There is no guarantee to the accuracy or timeliness of information available from this service. You are not allowed to abuse, misuse or harm any third party using SixEleven (611). Otherwise the service or your access to the service will be blocked temporarily or permanently, depending on the severity of abuse.

Take care and have fun!