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Serena Curzel edited this page Feb 23, 2024 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the PandA Bambu HLS wiki!

This is a reference for users and developers who want to play with the PandA Bambu HLS infrastructure.

The current version of the documentation can be found at

This is in an early stage and work-in-progress, thus if you need more information about any of the aspects of the tool do not hesitate to open issues and ask for help.

How to contribute

Contributors are very welcome to bring improvements to the codebase. The expected flow for contributing to this repository is the following:

  • Fork the repository and work on your additions or modifications to the original codebase starting from dev branch
  • Create a pull request on the dev branch of this repository and ask to go through the first set of regression tests
  • Once the first set of tests is completed and you are happy with the new code you can ask for the new feature to be merged into the dev branch
  • New code merged into the dev branch will undergo the full set of regression tests to ensure the full functionality of the codebase still stands
  • Finally, once all tests are completed successfully the dev pull request may be merged into the mainline release of PandA Bambu HLS