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=== Server Status by Hostname/IP ===
Contributors: fayzanzahid
Tags: server, status, hostname, ip
Donate link:
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 5.2
Stable tag: 5.2
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Server Status Plugin is made for those who wish to publish their Server and Services Status. It also tell you the server load of your server.

== Description ==
Please Note: You should Add your IP address to the whitelist of Server's firewall if you are checking status from another server. We've received complaints about always checking status/failed. And it happens because your firewall is blocking your request. So nothing is wrong with this plugin. Other than these issues, feel free to reach us out.

What do we have here for you ? Lets take a look;

1. Server Status
2. Services Status
3. Server Load
4. Server Status Widget
5. Server Status Shortcode

If you have a server or more than one servers, then you might want to display a status of your server on your website so that people would know whether your server is UP or Down. We have made you a plugin from which you can do that in some clicks. Our Plugin sends a request to all these servers to check if they are listening on the specific port which you'll mentioned while adding the server. If it's up and listening it will turn green and if the server isn't up or isn't listening on that specific port it will turn to red which means the server is not listening on that port. That means you can add different ports to check which services on your server are running. if any of these gone down, it will show you the status also in the admin panel and where ever you will place the shortcode or widget. This Plugin also tells you the server load whether its running on windows or linux. 

- Demo Frontend :

== Installation ==

1. Upload and extract `` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 
1. Upload `` to the Plugins > Add New > Upload

2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. You are good to go, Add shortcode or Visit Appearance > Widget section in wordpress to add widget to any available sidebars. 

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

- Does hostname and ip both work in this plugin as server address?

Ans: Yes, Hostname and IP both works.

- Do i must have to give a port while adding a server?

Ans: No, Port is not mandatory but if you would not provide a port then it will automatically add Port 80 which is http port. if you want to add any different port than 80, you would have to provide it yourself.

- Does this plugin have a shortcode ?

Ans: Yes, you can visit About Plugin section in Wordpress Admin Panel.

- Does this plugin have any widget ready to go ?

Ans: Yes, You can add widget to any available sidebar from Appearance > Widget section in Wordpress Admin Panel. 

- Can i check server load of any other server?

Ans: No, Currently you cannot check server load of any other server.

- Can i check Server Load of Windows Server?

Ans: Yes

- Can i check Server Load of Linux Server?

Ans: Yes

== Screenshots ==
1. screenshot-1.png
2. screenshot-2.png
3. screenshot-3.png

== Changelog ==
Version 5.0

- Major Vulnerability Fix

Version 4.6

- Bugs and fixes

Version 4.5

- Minor Javascript Bugs and fixes

Version 4.3

- Minor Bugs and fixes

Version 4.2

- Minor Bugs and Fixes

Version 4.1

- DB Update

Version 4

- Name for every server
- Widget Display by name and status.
- Edit Server details
- UI Touches

Version 3

- UI Update (Admin Panel)
- Server Load (Windows Servers)
- Server Deletion Confirmation Added 
- Minor Bugs and Fixes

Version 2.3

- Server Load (Linux Servers) : Now you can check load of server on which this plugin is installed.
- Minor Bugs and Fixes

Version 2.2

- Serious Issues Fixed
- Bugs and Fixes

Version 2

- Services Status
- Services Status Widget and Shortcode
- Minor Bugs and Fixes

Version 1

- Server Status
- Server Status Widget and Shortcode


Server Status WordPress Plugin is for those who wish to publish their Server and Services Status






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