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Style Shoes Pos

Stylo is a shoe retail company very popular for selling different types of shoe all over the Pakistan.It also provides shoe repairing services to its consumers on demand. Recently they are facing some difficulties for keeping the records of their sales, stocks as well as customer services.They need to write down all the records in a record book manually. Hence they have decided to change the present recording system and develop a POS SYSTEM which will help them to overcome their short falls.

Quick Start

To start using Stylo_Shoes_Pos:

Get code

Clone repo via git

Install Dependencies

  1. Open project in Visual Studio 2015
  2. Navigate to Stylo_Shoes_System_Pos/SqlScripts and run the PosDbScript file which will create database and tables with some demo products
  3. Change the connection string for the app.config file including your SQLServer instance, the database name should be the same as the default one
  4. Install crystal reports Xi and PagedList.Mvc 4.5.0 through package manager
  5. Build Pos
  6. You are finished

Project Documentation

For detailed features, Dataflow Diagrams and Screenshots of running system, please navigate to Stylo_Shoes_System_Pos/Documentation folder and open Pos_Complete_Documentation.pdf file


  1. Fork it.
  2. Create a branch (git checkout -b my_changes)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am "Added these features")
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my_changes)
  5. Open a Pull Request
  6. Wait for your Pull Request to be reviewed by Fahad.


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