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Releases: facebookincubator/later


01 Dec 22:05
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Added the herd decorator to later.task - This decorator allows you to protect code from a thundering herd of coroutines. Only one call with the same arguments will be allowed through until the request is completed. In the future I will include some memorization decorators for caching results of coroutines.

Also included Support for cpython 3.11 and 3.12. Next release will drop support for 3.7

Also this is the first release using pyproject / flit

After 3.8 use the stdlib instead of unittest backports

10 Mar 20:00
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use stdlib instead of backports after 3.8

Later was built on backports from 3.8 to give us features even while using 3.7.
When we moved to 3.8 we kept them because I wasn't exactly sure at the time that all the fixes we baked into 3.8 async_mock had made it into the stdlib 3.8 yet.

Well if the version of python is greater than 3.8 lets just use the stdlib

Bumping version so we can release to pypi

Differential Revision: D43885595

fbshipit-source-id: d5e1ca89984b818c512cea48e9dee0ebc9040b3a

Updated later.cancel()

02 Dec 18:14
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This new version of cancel is built to properly follow the asyncio cancellation contract. This version has been running at Meta for quite a while. The changes were initially discovered while preparing for the talk


28 Oct 20:25
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  • TestTask: Fixed __repr__ to used cached coro repr. Makes error messages more helpful for left over tasks.
  • Ignored left over tasks that are done() and have the result() of None


24 Feb 19:52
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  • Misc packaging fixes - #4 - Thanks @thatch
  • Include more tests that were missed - #5 - Thanks @thatch
  • Fix some missed black formatting - Thanks @cooperlees


19 Feb 01:45
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Initial PyPI release of later