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About sbnc

This is a developer pre-release!

SBNC (Spam Block No Captcha) blocks spam with no need for captchas.

What's new

Everything. This version is not compatible with 0.1.x!


PHP 5 >= 5.4.0


Please note, that the quick start only covers the very basics of sbnc. There is much more to know and a lot of settings you may change. This readme will be updated within the next weeks with more details.

Include the class

require 'Sbnc.php';
use sbnc\Sbnc;


Be sure to include and start sbnc before any other output has started, as it makes use of sessions and header redirects!

Create a form

<form action="form.php" method="post">
    <input type="text" id="name" name="name" value="<?php Sbnc::printValue('name'); ?>">
    <!-- add any input fields you want -->
    <?php Sbnc::printFields(); ?>
    <input type="submit" id="submit" value="Submit">

Create a form and let sbnc pre-fill input fields if errors occurred with Sbnc::printValue('name'); Don't forget to add the required sbnc fields Sbnc::printFields();

Also make sure the form method is POST and the action points to the same file as the request comes from. The action may point to another page if you do not load the Referrer module.

Add JavaScript


Add JavaScript after the html form. A good place would be just before </body>

Check if submit was valid

if (Sbnc::passed()) {
    // form was submitted and there were no errors

if (Sbnc::failed()) {
    // form was submitted, but errors occurred

Use this checks to know, if the form has been submitted in the previous request and if it's been valid. By default sbnc uses flash messages and redirects, so reloading the page won't result in another submit.

Display errors


Prints all errors in an unordered list. Use Sbnc::printError(); to print only one error as single string or use getErrors() to get an array with all error messages.