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%                                 EVO Protocol Specification
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%        +------+'      +------+       +------+       +------+      `+------+
%                           embedded volumetric optionality
%                                      v1.0.0

The evoPROTOCOL program is a utility for making volumetric global 
dynamic changes to a crypto-based asset.  It is useful for changing 
a price dynamics, and is designed for typical ERC-20 compliant assets. 

This program was written in 2020 and worked well in MacOS 10.13.  
It works in Macintosh operating systems earlier than MacOS 10.13. 
I have no plans to upgrade this software for more recent versions 
of the Macintosh operating system. 

I retain the copyright for evoPROTOCOL. It is licensed and
distributed under the SSPL-1.0 license

This documentation is licensed under the MPL-2.0.

Download each of the following files:

	evoPROTOCOL.sol       			 (the program itself)
	basic.ts.doc.sea.hqx         (the implementation)
	truffle-config.js            (deployment for protocol)
  and, if you want complete documentation, one of the following files:
	protocol.spec.tex            (if you use LaTeX)
	evoprotocol.v1.pdf           (if you use Adobe PDF)	


  This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  file, You can obtain one at


last modified: 10/30/2020