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Evmos Community

Welcome to the Evmos Community repository on Github.


  • Make sure you have a Github account
  • Install the latest LTS version of NodeJS
  • Install Git on your computer
  • Install an code editor (Visual Studio Code is free and excellent)
  • Upload your SSH Keys to your Github account. More details here


  1. Run git clone
  2. cd community
  3. npm install
  4. Open the project into your code editor

Pull Latest Code

Once you pull the repository down, it might be some times until you come back. The code might have changed/updated. To pull the latest code, go the folder where community repository reside and type git pull to receive the latest. It is generally good to run npm install before running npm run start.


If you found any issues please open a New Issue on Github and a team member will address it shortly.

If you plan to contribute to the repository, please make your changes and create a pull request.

Please review the Contribution document for more details.


This docs is open source and holds the license of MIT.