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=== User Info In Email For Contact Form 7 ===
Contributors: evgeniypoznyak
Donate link:
Tags: email, cf7, cf, contact form, contact form 7, ip, user ip, user detailed info, user info, customer information, information, customer, woocomerce, order, shortcode, user address
Requires at least: 3.1
Tested up to: 4.7
Stable tag: 1.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

This plugin is adding the user's internet provider information (based on IP address), to the body of the email. Contact Form 7 Plugin required.

== Description ==

This plugin is adding the user's internet provider information (based on IP address), to the body of the email.

IP: [user-info-ip]
City: [user-info-city]
State: [user-info-state]
Zip-Code: [user-info-zipcode]
Time-zone: [user-info-timezone]
Longitude: [user-info-lon]
Latitude: [user-info-lat] in email body.

The plugin is making an HTTP GET request. It is sending only the users IP address to the domain
The request returns all the information it is finding based on that IP address.

*Contact Form 7 Plugin required.

== Installation ==

1. Install and activate Contact Form 7 Plugin
2. Upload `user-info-in-email-for-contact-form-7` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
4. Place shortcodes in your email body CF7:
IP: [user-info-ip]
City: [user-info-city]
State: [user-info-state]
Zip-Code: [user-info-zipcode]
Time-zone: [user-info-timezone]
Longitude: [user-info-lon]
Latitude: [user-info-lat]

* You can use HTML5.

== Frequently asked questions ==

== Screenshots ==

1. Place your shortcode in your contact form 7 "mail" bookmark. As showed in the screenshot. You can use any HTML tags around shortcodes.

2. And later in your email you should include user/customer information according to his/her internet provider.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =
* Initial release

== Upgrade notice ==