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Etica Smart Contract

Welcome to the Etica smart contract repository, powering the core system of the Etica Protocol.

Meticulous Hardfork | Etica v2 Enhancements

  • Quadratic Voting: The incorporation of quadratic voting introduces a pioneering method to distribute voting power more equitably within the Etica ecosystem, providing safeguards against disproportionately influential votes.

  • ETI Recovery System: A dedicated system has been implemented to facilitate the recovery of ETI in situations where commits remain unrevealed.

  • Difficulty Adjustment Update: The block difficulty adjustment mechanism has been refined, transitioning from a 2016-block cycle to a more responsive 144-block cycle.

  • ETI Collateral Requirement: The collateral needed for proposals in ETI has been increased, moving from 10 to 100 ETI. This adjustment aims to ensure a more meaningful commitment to proposals.

  • Validation of Etica Network Upgrade Process: The update has been tested with a robust validation mechanism for the Etica blockchain, thanks to a secure network upgrade process.

  • Mining Vulnerability Fix: A critical mining vulnerability related to 0xBtc has been addressed to enhance the overall security of the system.

  • Etica Smart Contract Optimizations: Various optimizations have been applied to the Etica smart contract, enhancing efficiency and overall performance.

Project Details

  • Version: 2.0.0
  • License: ISC (Internet Systems Consortium)

Deployment and Testing

Transition to Hardhat

As Truffle has ceased its support and the Truffle project is set to close, this repository has migrated from Truffle to Hardhat for deployment and testing.

Legacy Versions

Legacy versions of the Etica smart contract can be found in the contracts/legacy-versions/v1 directory.

Running Tests

Tests located in /test need to be migrated from Truffle to Hardhat. However, these tests can be run using the legacy v1 smart contract with Truffle.

To run tests with Truffle:

truffle test

Hardhat example tasks:

npx hardhat help
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network crucible


The smart contract that handles the core system of the Etica Protocol. Join and build






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