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Add semantic tests for bin number literals
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pcw109550 committed Apr 26, 2024
1 parent dc878ed commit 75624b5
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@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
contract test {
function complex_random_arithmetics() public pure returns (uint d) {
uint a = ((0b1101 + 0b101010 - 0b1011) << 2) * (0b100011 & 0b11111) + ((0b1100 ^ 0b1011) >> 1) * (0b1110 % 0b101) % 0b101000011;
uint b = (((0b100011 * 0b11) + (0b1100 ^ 0b1011)) & 0b111111) * ((0b1010101 % (0b11001 + 0b1110)) << 3);
uint c = ((0b1001 + 0b111 - 0b11) * (0b1 & 0b1111) + (0b10111 ^ 0b1101) + (0b1100101 & 0b100011)) >> 2 * (0b1001 + 0b1011 << 1);
d = (a + b + c * (0b101 & 0b11111) + (0b11100 | 0b1010) + (0b1101 ^ (0b1010 << 2))) % 0b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001;
function complex_fibonacci_identity() public pure returns (uint c) {
// \sum_{i=0}^{n - 1} F_{i} ** 2 == F_{n - 1} * F_{n}
c += 0b0 * 0b0;
c += 0b1 * 0b1;
c += 0b1 * 0b1;
c += 0b10 * 0b10;
c += 0b11 * 0b11;
c += 0b101 * 0b101;
c += 0b1000 * 0b1000;
c += 0b1101 * 0b1101;
c += 0b10101 * 0b10101;
c += 0b100010 * 0b100010;
c += 0b110111 * 0b110111;
c += 0b1011001 * 0b1011001;
c += 0b10010000 * 0b10010000;
c += 0b11101001 * 0b11101001;
c += 0b101111001 * 0b101111001;
c += 0b1001100010 * 0b1001100010;
c += 0b1111011011 * 0b1111011011;
c += 0b11000111101 * 0b11000111101;
c += 0b101000011000 * 0b101000011000;
c += 0b1000001010101 * 0b1000001010101;
c += 0b1101001101101 * 0b1101001101101;
c += 0b10101011000010 * 0b10101011000010;
c -= 0b10101011000010 * 0b100010100101111;
function complex_vandermonde_determinant() public pure returns (uint e) {
// [[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 2, 4, 8], [1, 3, 9, 27], [1, 4, 16, 64]]
uint a = (0b10 * (0b1001 * 0b1000000 - 0b11011 * 0b10000) - 0b100 * (0b11 * 0b1000000 - 0b11011 * 0b100) + 0b1000 * (0b11 * 0b10000 - 0b1001 * 0b100));
uint b = (0b1 * (0b1001 * 0b1000000 - 0b11011 * 0b10000) - 0b100 * (0b1 * 0b1000000 - 0b11011 * 0b1) + 0b1000 * (0b1 * 0b10000 - 0b1001 * 0b1));
uint c = (0b1 * (0b11 * 0b1000000 - 0b11011 * 0b100) - 0b10 * (0b1 * 0b1000000 - 0b11011 * 0b1) + 0b1000 * (0b1 * 0b100 - 0b11 * 0b1));
uint d = (0b1 * (0b11 * 0b10000 - 0b1001 * 0b100) - 0b10 * (0b1 * 0b10000 - 0b1001 * 0b1) + 0b100 * (0b1 * 0b100 - 0b11 * 0b1));
e = a + c;
e -= b + d;
// ----
// complex_random_arithmetics() -> 0xcdf
// complex_fibonacci_identity() -> 0x0
// complex_vandermonde_determinant() -> 0xc
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
contract test {
function add() public pure returns (uint c) {
c = 0b01 + 0b110;
function sub() public pure returns (uint c) {
c = 0b0111110 - 0b110;
function mul() public pure returns (uint c) {
c = 0b110 * 0b01011;
function div() public pure returns (uint c) {
c = 0b10111 / uint256(0b11);
function mod() public pure returns (uint c) {
c = 0b110101010 % 0b1011;
function xor() public pure returns (uint c) {
c = 0b110101 ^ 0b001010;
function and() public pure returns (uint c) {
c = 0b110010 & 0b010101;
function or() public pure returns (uint c) {
c = 0b101010 | 0b110001;
function shiftleft() public pure returns (uint c) {
c = 0b11111111 << 0b10000;
function shiftright() public pure returns (uint c) {
c = 0b111111110000000000000000 >> 0b10000;
function compound_add() public pure returns (uint c) {
c = 0b11110011000;
c += 0b00001100111;
function compound_sub() public pure returns (uint c) {
c = 0b1111111111;
c -= 0b1010101010;
function compound_mul() public pure returns (uint c) {
c = 0b110101011;
c *= 0b10110101;
// ----
// add() -> 0x7
// sub() -> 0x38
// mul() -> 0x42
// div() -> 0x7
// mod() -> 0x8
// xor() -> 0x3f
// and() -> 0x10
// or() -> 0x3b
// shiftleft() -> 0xff0000
// shiftright() -> 0xff
// compound_add() -> 0x7ff
// compound_sub() -> 0x155
// compound_mul() -> 0x12de7

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