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Welcome to Alex!

Alex is a minimalist static site generator written in TypeScript.

By writing markdown files and changing a YAML config, you can create a static site in the matter of minutes.

Check this website for a live (and real) example.


Because my roommate needed a minimalistic static generator way less complicated than Hugo or Hexo.

How easy can it get?

Using standard technologies and well-known libraries, Alex is only 350 lines of code with comments!

Is it powerful?

Alex is powerful enough! He supports:

  • Multiple languages
  • Themes
  • Code highlighting (using highlightjs)
  • Markdown (Github flavor) with YAML metadata
  • Math support using KaTeX (with the help of ```latex ``` for block math and $$ $$ for inline math)
  • User defined files
  • Pages and subpages
  • Easy configuration with YAML

But if you expect a fully-featured static site generator, you should use something else.

Getting started

npm install @etermind/alex -g

You'll end up with alex in your PATH. Then look at a theme here and download one.

Then you can do:


Once you have configured and written your content, generate the HTML/CSS/JS for your website:


You can then serve your site (for testing purpose) with:


which is going to serve your website on http://localhost:4444

Let's try it out:

  1. Download the example skeleton here;
  2. Then unzip the skeleton (tar xzfv skeleton.tar.gz should do). The skeleton contains the minimal-rb theme and some dummy content; if you want to use another theme, use alex init instead;
  3. Then run alex with alex generate -i skeleton -o mysite;
  4. You should end up with a folder called mysite;
  5. Finally run alex serve -p mysite -P 4444, open http://localhost:4444 and admire your new site.

Configuring Alex

An Alex website is composed of:

  • config.yml where the main config of the website lies;
  • content where all your markdown files are;
  • data for user generated files and images;
  • theme for the theme and the rendering of your site;

Understanding config.yaml

Here is a simple config.yaml file:

    rootPath: ''
        - en
        - fr
    defaultLang: 'en'
    defaultPage: 'home'
            fr: 'Ma super description dans la balise meta'
            en: 'My awesome description in the meta tag'
            - awesome 
            - site 
            - alex
            content: >
                const test = 'Blablabla';
            source: ''
        content: home
            fr: 'Accueil'
            en: 'Home'
        external: false
        hide: false
        submenus: []
        content: code
            fr: 'Code'
            en: 'Code'
        external: true
        link: ''
        target: '_blank'

A config.yml is composed of 3 sections:

  • config which allow you to define all supported languages for your website, the default language and the meta information
  • menu which defines the main menu of your website.
  • theme which defines variables specific to the theme you are using. This is optional.

Config section

The config section is divided into:

  1. langs: A list of languages following the ISO-639-1 standard (two letters to describe the language such as fr for French or en for English).
  2. defaultLang: The default language of your website.
  3. defaultPage: The default page of your website (it should match one of your menu item).
  4. meta: The meta tags for your website.
  5. scripts: Optional list of JS scripts.
  6. rootPath: When hosting your website under a subdirectory (useful for Gitlab pages or Github pages). This is optional.


meta is used by the theme to generate the meta tags.

  • Keywords is a list that is transformed into a comma separated string.
  • Description supports multiple languages.


You can activate or deactivate a language by adding or removing a language here. Be aware that the theme you are using should support your default language, because if one of your other languages is not supported, we fallback to the default one.


scripts is a list of JS scripts. This is optional. You have two flavors: using content or using source. The former is for inline scripts, while the latter is for scripts hosted elsewhere (on a CDN for instance). This is useful if you want to add Google Analytics or Countly to your website.

Menu section

You can as many menu items as you want (the same goes for submenus).

In our example, home is going to be the first menu item and code the last one.

Each menu item is composed of:

  1. A name, which supports multiple languages
  2. A boolean called external to know if the item should redirect to an external page or not.
  3. A boolean called hide to know if the item should be hidden in the menu.
  4. If the item is external, you can specify a link and an optional target.
  5. An icon (not supported by all themes). This is optional.
  6. Submenus (not supported by all themes). This is optional.

Managing content

All the content of your website lies in the content directory.

The content of the directory should look like this:

├── en
│   └── home
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └── subpage
│           ├──
└── fr
    └── home
        └── subpage
  1. 1 directory per language: here we have two languages: fr and en).
  2. 1 directory per internal menu item: here we have only one internal menu item which is home (since external: false).
  3. As many directories as you want per subpages in a recursive manner. They need to be linked into a submenu. For instance:
        content: home
            fr: 'Accueil'
            en: 'Home'
        external: false
        hide: false
                content: subpage
                    fr: 'Sous-page'
                    en: 'Subpage'

The default content is written in a file called Your theme may allow you to have more than one markdown file per template (see the Writing themes section for details), but it is not mandatory.

Writing content

Alex uses Github-flavored markdown to generate content. The markdown can also be augmented using YAML header. For instance:

template: home.htm
# Title

Markdown is so cool!

In the previous example, the header contains a template metadata. If the theme you are using provides a template called home.htm, it's going to be used to generate the HTML.

All files in a directory should use the same template to avoid weird behaviours.

Managing data

Sometimes you need to have static files shipped with your website. You can put those files in data. We distinguish between images and other files, so the directory content looks like that:

├── files
│   └── article.pdf
└── imgs
    └── test.png

In your markdown you can the images in data using /assets/user/imgs/test.png and the other files using /assets/user/files/article.pdf.


Alex comes with multiple themes. Check out the dedicated repo.

If you would like to customize or create a new theme. Please read this.


If you would like to contributing, please read this.