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Releases: espressif/esp-aws-expresslink-eval

ExpressLink Firmware v2.5.0

28 Oct 02:38
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The v2.5.0 release conforms to the AWS IoT ExpressLink Technical Specification v1.2.


This release overwrites the existing OTAcertificate to an Espressif-provided OTA certificate.

This release includes the base64 encoded signature along with the release binary and can be used at the time of the firmware OTA update.
[ Firmware OTA Console setup screen screenshot ]

New features in this release:

  1. Support for BLE commands
    This release adds a new command set to allow host software applications to communicate wirelessly using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology.

  2. Support for deeper sleep modes.
    This release adds support for light sleep (SLEEP1) and deep sleep (SLEEP2) on ExpressLink.

  3. AT+DIAG WIFI SCAN now also reports the Security mode of the Wi-Fi AP


If you had previously set your OTA certificate by typing AT+CONF OTAcertificate=PEM and were unable to set a new OTAcertificate, upgrading to v2.5.0 using OTW will set the appropriate Espressif OTAcertificate for you.

ExpressLink Firmware v2.4.5

27 Oct 19:01
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The v2.4.5 release conforms to the AWS IoT ExpressLink Technical Specification v1.1.2


v1.1.2 of the specification requires the OTA Certificate to be vendor-provided and makes it WRITE-ONLY.
This release overwrites the existing OTAcertificate to an Espressif-provided OTA certificate.

From the next release onwards, the base64 encoded signature will be included along with the release binary and can be used at the time of the firmware OTA update.

New features in this release:

This command offers the ability to scan and retrieve information about Wi-Fi access points (APs) while allowing you to tailor the output to your specific needs and control the duration of the scan, using the TIMEOUT keyword.

Example usage:

< OK {"WiFiAccessPoints":[{"SSID":"New_SSID_1","MacAddress":"11:22:33:44:55:66","Rss":-70},{"SSID":"New_SSID_2","MacAddress":"22:33:44:55:66:77","Rss":-65},{"SSID":"New_SSID_3","MacAddress":"55:66:77:88:99:00","Rss":-67}]}

< OK {"WiFiAccessPoints":[{"SSID":"New_SSID_1","MacAddress":"11:22:33:44:55:66","Rss":-70},{"SSID":"New_SSID_2","MacAddress":"22:33:44:55:66:77","Rss":-65}]}

< OK {"WiFiAccessPoints":[{"SSID":"New_SSID_1","Rss":-70},{"SSID":"New_SSID_2","Rss":-72},{"SSID":"New_SSID_3","Rss":-67}]}

> AT+DIAG WIFI SCAN MacAddress Rss
< OK {"WiFiAccessPoints":[{"MacAddress":"11:22:33:44:55:66","Rss":-37},{"MacAddress":"22:33:44:55:66:77","Rss":-38},{"MacAddress":"33:44:55:66:77:88","Rss":-42}]}


  1. The response of the AT+DIAG WIFI SCAN MacAddress Rss can directly be used as a payload for AWS IoT Core Device Location MQTT service.
  2. If the ExpressLink device has NTP sync time available, the timestamp will be added to the output.
    > AT+DIAG WIFI SCAN MacAddress Rss
    < OK {"Timestamp":"1694521990","WiFiAccessPoints":[{"MacAddress":"11:22:33:44:55:66","Rss":-37},{"MacAddress":"88:99:00:11:22:33","Rss":-48},{"MacAddress":"99:00:11:22:33:44","Rss":-40}]}

Fixes in this release:

The 'PEM' in the CONF command for setting certificates is now case-insensitive.


If you had previously set your OTA certificate by typing AT+CONF OTAcertificate=PEM and were unable to set a new OTAcertificate, upgrading to v2.4.5 using OTW will set the appropriate Espressif OTAcertificate for you.

ExpressLink Firmware v2.4.1

22 Nov 16:13
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New features in this release:
The v2.4.1 release conforms to the AWS IoT ExpressLink Technical Specification v1.1

  1. Non-blocking CONNECT! command.
  2. Support for AWS IoT Device Shadow.
  3. Support for AWS IoT Device Defender.
  4. Support for new onboarding by-claim mechanism.

Fixes in this release:

  1. AT+TIME? was off-by-one month, this has been fixed and time-tenths calculation has been improved.
  2. Fixes to logging.
  3. CONFMODE now allows re-provisioning if you enter incorrect Wi-Fi credentials and parsing of CONFMODE parameters has been improved.
  4. Support for unaligned (not aligned to 16B) HOTA.
  5. Fix while writing root certificate using AT+CONF RootCA=.
  6. The CONLOST event is generated reliably and a complete disconnect (including disconnecting from the Wi-Fi) is carried out when connectivity is lost. The host needs to give the AT+CONNECT command again.
  7. Wi-Fi passphrases are now masked in the UART0 logs.
  8. AT+SLEEP timeout is now reliably obeyed.

ExpressLink Firmware v1.0.20

21 Jun 03:39
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This is the generally available (GA) launch firmware for Espressif AWS IoT ExpressLink.

ExpressLink Firmware v0.9.3

20 Jun 15:46
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This is the (pre-release) firmware v0.9.3 for Espressif AWS IoT ExpressLink.