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Intro to Python for Geologists workshop

Run through Binder

Click link: Binder

Open '1_basics.ipynb' to begin notebook

Run on your own machine

Initial set-up (envname, kernelname, modulename = the name you want to use)

  1. Download Anaconda for Python 3.7 from here:

  2. Open Anaconda Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac)

  3. Create environment (might take 5 – 10 mins):

         conda create --name envname python=3.7 anaconda  
  4. Activate environment (should take < 10 s):

         conda activate envname
  5. Create kernel (should take < 10 s):

         python -m ipykernel install --user --name kernelname
  6. Install modules not in anaconda (option for future, might take time depending on size of module):

         pip install modulename
  7. Navigate to the working directory/folder you downloaded all of the files in this repository to (different syntax for Windows and Mac, Google ‘terminal navigation commands’ for help):

         cd Desktop/geo_py
  8. Open Jupyter Notebook in folder you’ve navigated to (should take < 10 s):

         jupyter notebook

Working set-up

  1. Open Anaconda prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac)

  2. Activate environment (should take < 10 s):

         conda activate envname
  3. Navigate to working directory/folder (different syntax for Windows and Mac, Google ‘terminal navigation commands’ for help):

         cd Desktop/geo_py
  4. Open Jupyter Notebook (should take < 10 s):

         jupyter notebook
  5. Internet browser should open Jupyter Notebook, if it doesn’t open Anaconda Prompt or Terminal will provide a link to copy and paste in the browser


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