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Cloudy ICO Smart Contract

This repository contains a Solidity smart contract for the Cloudy ICO, as well as the associated Cloudy token contract. The Cloudy ICO smart contract allows users to participate in a token sale event. It is built using Solidity, OpenZeppelin libraries, Chainlink price feeds, and custom libraries.

Contract Overview

The Cloudy ICO contract facilitates the sale of tokens during a presale event. It interacts with the Cloudy token contract and allows users to purchase tokens using various ERC-20 tokens. The presale contract ensures that tokens are sold at a fixed price in USD and enforces certain rules to maintain the integrity of the sale.


  • Purchase tokens using supported ERC-20 tokens before the presale is unlocked.
  • Withdraw purchased tokens after the presale is unlocked.
  • Burn remaining unsold tokens after the presale is unlocked.
  • Withdraw all remaining tokens, including those of supported ERC-20 tokens.
  • View contract and token information through various public and external functions.

Technologies Used

  • Solidity: A programming language for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum platform.
  • Foundry: A development framework for building decentralized applications.
  • OpenZeppelin Contracts: A library of reusable smart contracts for Ethereum.
  • Chainlink Price Feeds: Used for obtaining accurate token prices in USD.

Contract Addresses


  • Deploy the Cloudy ICO and Cloudy token contracts to your Ethereum network.
  • Configure the presale parameters, including unlock timestamp, token price, maximum supply, and allowed tokens during contract deployment.
  • Users can participate in the presale by calling the buy function with supported ERC-20 tokens.
  • After the presale is unlocked, users can withdraw their purchased tokens using the withdraw function.
  • Any remaining unsold tokens can be burned by calling the burnRemaining function.
  • The owner can withdraw any ERC20 tokens used with the withdrawAllTokens function.
  • View contract and token information using various public functions.


To test the Cloudy ICO smart contract, you can use the Foundry framework. Below are the steps to run tests:

  1. Install Foundry if you haven't already: Foundry Documentation

  2. Clone this repository to your local environment.

  3. Navigate to the project directory in your terminal.

  4. Run the following command to execute the tests in a local environment:

    forge test


This smart contract is licensed under the SPDX-License-Identifier specified in the contract file. Please review the license file for more details.



For any questions or inquiries, please contact me at


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