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Variational Inference for Learning Representations of Natural Language Edits

Code accompanying the paper Variational Inference for Learning Representations of Natural Language Edits.


  1. Clone this repository.

    git clone
    cd PEER
  2. We recommend conda for package management. Create a conda environment and activate it.

    conda create -n <name> python=3.6
    conda activate <name>

    Where you can replace <name> by whatever you want.

  3. Setup everything


    This script will do the following:

    • Install all the dependencies to the currently-active conda environment.
    • Download and unzip our data and splits.

Downloading and preprocessing everything can take a while depending on your Internet connection and your conda cache. By default, the data will be placed in the ~/data/PEER folder, and results will be stored on the ~/results/PEER folder. To use different locations, simply move the files to the desired paths and change the contents of accordingly.

Training Instructions

To replicate experiments in our paper, run the training script.

python --config <path/to/config/file>

Where <path/to/config/file> should point at a yaml file like the ones located in the experiments folder, where we provide our exact experimental configurations. These should allow you to replicate the results in our paper. Please note that some of our models require existing pre-trained models, since we initialize the parameters our variational auto-encoder with the weights of a regular auto-encoder for improved convergence and performance.

Evaluation Instructions

Intrinsic evaluation

Given a trained model, use the following command to perform the intrinsic evaluation.

python --model <path/to/pretrained/model/folder> --best

This will attempt to load the best model checkpoint in the folder <path/to/pretrained/model/folder> and run the intrinsic evaluation on the test set of the same dataset where the model was trained. For additional details on how to run this command, please check python --help.

Extracting Edit Representations and Extrinsic Evaluation

It is possible to extract edit representations produced by a trained model using the following command.

python --model <path/to/pretrained/model/folder> --batch_size <batch_suize> --split all --best --dataset <dataset>

This will attempt to load the best performing model stored in the folder <path/to/pretrained/model/folder>, and extract edit representations of the examples in the provided dataset, using the data in all the splits. These representations will be stored in a json file that will be placed on the same folder where the provided model was located, using an adequate filename. In an upcoming update we will also release our pre-trained models alongside their produced edit representations.

Finally, you can run the extrinsic evaluation on the downstream tasks for the extracted edit representations by running the following command.

python --<path/to/json/file> --num_layers <num_layers>

Where <path/to/json/file> points at the json file containing the extracted edit representations, and <num_layers> is the depth of the classifier model (0, 1 or 2 are supported). When running this command, make sure you provide a json file that has been created using all the splits for a given dataset. In the case of training on the QT21 De-EN MQM dataset, please use python --<path/to/json/file> instead, as this downstream task is a multi-label classification one.


If you are just interested in the datasets, our data and splits are available on this link. You can directly download everything by running the following command.



If you use this code please consider citing our paper.

  title     = {Variational {{Inference}} for {{Learning Representations}} of {{Natural Language Edits}}},
  author    = {Marrese-Taylor, Edison and Reid Machel and Matsuo, Yutaka},
  year      = {2021},
  month     = {February},
  publisher = {AAAI Press},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (To appear)},
  series    = {AAAI'21}


  • Upload pre-trained models and extracted edit representations
  • Add instructions to generate our datasets (either from the corresponding original ones, or from scratch).


Code and data accompanying the paper "Variational Inference for Learning Representations of Natural Language Edits"






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