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Probe to monitor status of all RPC endpoints for the WAX network and provide graphs/statistics regarding those nodes

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Probe to monitor status of all RPC endpoints for an EOSIO network and provide graphs/statistics regarding those nodes The probe submits telemetry to

The probe is made of 2 components:

  • the rpcProxy will cycle trough a remote list of configured endpoints and has a built-in greylist the endpoint list is dynamically updated and provided by
  • the script runs as a cronjob and simple sends rpc queries to the EOSIO chain.

Note: If you wish to run a community probe, please contact @EOSUSA_Michael on Telegram


Your VPS hostname should be formatted as follows: probe-city-country or probe-city-region This is very important because it will be used as your identity on the public site. Please make sure to add the same dns entry for it in /etc/hosts

Probe install instructions

wget -qO- | bash

log out then log in again

apt update
apt install python-pip python-requests
pip install prometheus_client
nvm install node
npm install -g pm2
pm2 get pm2-logrotate ; pm2 set pm2-logrotate:retain 5 ; pm2 set pm2-logrotate:max_size 500M
npm i

The probe needs to persist the metrics to avoid resets on restart. create the metrics json files

cp example.metrics.json metrics.json
cp example.hyperion-metrics.json hyperion-metrics.json

Start the proxy and make it a systemd service

pm2 start ecosystem.config.js
pm2 startup
pm2 save

add cronjobs

*/5 * * * * /root/rpcmonitor-probe/ -d >> /var/log/probe.log 2>&1
*/30 * * * * /root/rpcmonitor-probe/ -d >> /var/log/probe-hyp.log 2>&1