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GEM Travis CI


Two-factor authentication login application.

  1. Email and password authentication via Firebase
  2. Facial authentication verifies whether the database view and the current view are the same via Microsoft Face API


  • Swift 4.2
  • Xcode 10.0+
  • Firebase
  • ProjectOxfordFace (Microsoft Face API)


Modify project settings and API functions

  • Create Firebase Project for email and password authentication
  • Change GoogleService-Info.plist
  • Change Microsoft Face API key


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

Change bundle identifier and development team

Firebase and ProjectOxfordFace

Using Firebase back-end API and ProjectOxfordFace Face API

Set Your Own Face API Key

let client = MPOFaceServiceClient(subscriptionKey: "Microsoft Face API KEY")!


User authentication, add to database and store of photo

Register User
Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: email, password: password) { (user, error) in
User Added to Database
guard let uid = user?.uid else {
let ref = Database.database().reference(fromURL: "FIREBASE_URL")
let userReference = ref.child("users").child(uid)

let values = [
    "name": name,
    "email": email,
    "password": shaHex // sha256 password
userReference.updateChildValues(values, withCompletionBlock: { (error, reference) in
User Photo Detect and Save Storage
let userID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
let imageRef = usersStorageRef.child("\(userID!).jpg")

client.detect(with: data!, returnFaceId: true, returnFaceLandmarks: true, returnFaceAttributes: [], completionBlock: { (faces, error) in

    let uploadTask = imageRef.putData(dataImage, metadata: nil, completion: { (metadata, error) in





User authentication, verify between storage photo and real-time photo

Login User
Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: email, password: password) { (user, error) in
Verify Photos
var faceFromPhoto: MPOFace!
var faceFromFirebase: MPOFace!

// Detect real-time photo
client.detect(with: data, returnFaceId: true, returnFaceLandmarks: true, returnFaceAttributes: [], completionBlock: { (faces, error) in
  self.faceFromPhoto = faces![0]

  // Detect storage photo
  client.detect(withUrl: url, returnFaceId: true, returnFaceLandmarks: true, returnFaceAttributes: [], completionBlock: { (faces, error) in
      self.faceFromFirebase = faces![0]

        // Verify photos
        client.verify(withFirstFaceId: self.faceFromPhoto.faceId, faceId2: self.faceFromFirebase.faceId, completionBlock: { (result, error) in
            if result!.isIdentical {
                // THE PERSON IS THE SAME
                // Open logged in view