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Smart Downloader for Reddit Hosted Videos

Now available for Android*


  • Download local hosted videos with audio.
  • Requires only requests and FFmpeg.
  • Ability to decide quality.
  • Bypass bot detection.


redvid requires Python 3.

Use pip to install the package from PyPI:

pip install redvid

Or, install the latest version of the package from GitHub:

pip install git+


Using redvid to download a video:

> redvid -u "" -mxq
  • via scripts:
from redvid import Downloader

reddit = Downloader(max_q=True)
reddit.url = ''


__import__('redvid').Downloader(url='', max_q=True).download()

Installing FFmpeg


(You may need to restart your pc after applying these steps)


sudo apt install ffmpeg

Mac OS:

  • install Homebrew:

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

  • Then:

    $ brew install ffmpeg


Here are a few sample tests:

Console Commands

> redvid --help

usage: redvid [-h] [-u URL] [-p PATH] [-o] [-mxq] [-mnq] [-mxd MAXDURATION]
              [-mxs MAXSIZE] [-am] [-ad] [-px PROXIES] [-v] [-c]

Argument parser for redvid module

required arguments:
  -u URL, --url URL     Post URL for Reddit hosted video

optional arguments:
  -p PATH, --path PATH  Custom path for downloaded videos
  -o, --overwrite       Overwrite existing videos and ignore exception
  -mxq, --maxquality    Auto select maximum quality
  -mnq, --minquality    Auto select minimum quality
  -fn FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
                        Set custom filename for downloaded video
  -mxd MAXDURATION, --maxduration MAXDURATION
                        Ignore videos that exceed this duration (in seconds)
  -mxs MAXSIZE, --maxsize MAXSIZE
                        Ignore videos that exceed this size (in bytes)
  -am, --automax        Automatically download video with maximum size (Helps
                        for old reddit videos with unknown qualities)
  -ad, --autodir        Automatically create path if correctly typed and does
                        not exist
  -px PROXIES, --proxies PROXIES
                        Download videos through proxies for blocked regions
  -v, --version         Show redvid version
  -nc, --noclean        Don't clean temp folder after download is done

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time


Please contribute! If you want to fix a bug, suggest improvements, or add new features to the project, just open an issue or send me a pull request.

*Android version of Redvid is not open-source.