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Composer package template

Coverage Maintainability CGL Tests

A Project Builder template for new Composer packages, built with several preconfigured components. New packages may contain configuration for CGL tools like PHPStan, PHPUnit and Rector as well as preconfigured GitHub Actions and issue templates.

🚀 Features

Feature Tool
🏡 Automatic code migration Rector
🦄 Code coverage Coveralls
🧠 Code quality gate CodeClimate
🧹 Coding standards PHP-CS-Fixer
🏎 Continuous integration GitHub Actions
💅 Dependency handling Renovate
🔍 Static code analysis PHPStan
💡 Unit testing PHPUnit

🔥 Installation

Packagist Packagist Downloads

  1. Create a new project:

    composer create-project cpsit/project-builder
  2. Select the package eliashaeussler/composer-package-template.

  3. Follow all instructions and answer the questions.

  4. Be happy with your new Composer package 🥳

🧑‍💻 Contributing

Please have a look at

⭐ License

This project is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0 (or later).