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Sending Notification Bubbles with GLib.Notification


A notification bubble

By now you've probably already seen the notification bubbles that appear on the top right of the screen. Notifications are a way to provide updates about the state of your app. For example, they can inform you that a long running background process has been completed or a new message has arrived. In this section we are going to show you just how to get them to work in your app.

Making Preparations

Create a new Gtk.Application complete with a desktop launcher file, packaging, etc. You can review this in Our First App.

In your .desktop file, add the line X-GNOME-UsesNotifications=true to the end of the file. This is what will make your app appear in System Settings so that notification preferences can be set.

{% code title="myapp.desktop" %}

[Desktop Entry]



{% endcode %}

Sending Notifications

In your Application.vala file, in the activate () function, create a new Gtk.Button and add it to a Gtk.Box with some margins. Then set that box as the child widget for your app's main window.

A new Gtk.Application with a button that sends notifications

Finally, connect to the clicked () signal of that button, and create a new Notification with body text, and then send it with send_notification ().

{% code title="Application.vala" %}

protected override void activate () {
    var notify_button = new Gtk.Button.with_label ("Notify");

    var box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 12) {
        margin_top = 12,
        margin_end = 12,
        margin_bottom = 12,
        margin_start = 12
    box.append (notify_button);

    var headerbar = new Gtk.HeaderBar () {
        show_title_buttons = true

    var main_window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow (this) {
        child = box,
        title = "MyApp",
        titlebar = headerbar
    main_window.present ();
    notify_button.clicked.connect (() => {
        var notification = new Notification ("Hello World");
        notification.set_body ("This is my first notification!");

        send_notification (null, notification);

{% endcode %}

Now build and run your app, and click the "Notify" button. Congratulations, you've learned how to send notifications!

Badge Icons

Notification with a badged icon

Notifications will automatically contain your app's icon, but you can add additional context by setting a badge icon. Right after the line containing var notification = New Notification, add:

notify_button.clicked.connect (() => {
    var notification = new Notification ("Hello World");
    notification.set_body ("This is my first notification!");
    notification.set_icon (new ThemedIcon ("process-completed"));

    send_notification (null, notification);

Build and run your app again, and press the "Notify" button. As you can see, the notification now has a smaller badged icon placed over your app's icon. Using this method, you can set the icon to any of the named icons shipped with elementary OS.

{% hint style="info" %} You can browse the full set of named icons using the Icon Browser app, available in AppCenter. {% endhint %}


Notification with an action button

You can also add buttons to notifications that will trigger actions defined in the app namespace. To add a button, first define an action in your Application class as we did in the actions section.

{% code title="Application.vala" %}

public override void startup () {
    base.startup ();

    var quit_action = new SimpleAction ("quit", null);

    add_action (quit_action);
    quit_action.activate.connect (quit);

{% endcode %}

Now, we can add a button to the notification with a label and the action ID.

notify_button.clicked.connect (() => {
    var notification = new Notification ("Hello World");
    notification.set_body ("This is my first notification!");
    notification.add_button ("Quit", "app.quit");

    send_notification (null, notification);

Build and run your app again, and press the "Notify" button. Notice that the notification now has a button with the label "Quit" and clicking it will close your app.

{% hint style="info" %} Remember that SimpleActions added in the Application class with add_action () are automatically added in the app namespace. Notifications can't trigger actions defined in other namespaces like win. {% endhint %}


Notifications also have priority. When a notification is set as URGENT it will stay on the screen until either you interact with it, or your application withdraws it. To make an urgent notification, use the set_priority () function

notify_button.clicked.connect (() => {
    var notification = new Notification ("Hello World");
    notification.set_body ("This is my first notification!");
    notification.set_priority (NotificationPriority.URGENT);

    send_notification (null, notification);

URGENT notifications should really only be used on the most extreme cases. There are also other notification priorities.


We now know how to send a notification, but what if you need to update it with new information? Thanks to the id argument of the send_notification () function, we can replace a notification with a matching ID. This ID can be anything you like.

Make a new button with the label "Replace" that sends a new notification, this time with an ID. This button will replace a notification with a matching ID when clicked, instead of sending a new notification.

protected override void activate () {
    var notify_button = new Gtk.Button.with_label ("Notify");

    var replace_button = new Gtk.Button.with_label ("Replace");

    var box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 12) {
        margin_top = 12,
        margin_end = 12,
        margin_bottom = 12,
        margin_start = 12
    box.append (notify_button);
    box.append (replace_button);


    replace_button.clicked.connect (() => {
        var notification = new Notification ("Hello Again");
        notification.set_body ("This is my second Notification!");

        send_notification ("update", notification);

Build and run your app again. Click on the buttons, first on "Notify", then "Replace". See how the "Notify" button sends a new notification each time it's clicked, but the "Replace" button replaces the contents of the same notification when it's clicked.


Let's review what all we've learned:

{% hint style="info" %} If you're having trouble, you can view the full example code here on GitHub. You can learn more from GLib.Notification reference documentation. {% endhint %}