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Error: cannot allocate vector of size XX Gb

Eldar Rakhimberdiev edited this page Jan 28, 2016 · 2 revisions

Current implementation of FLightR (0.3.6) uses a lot of RAM for the particle filter. If you have got this message it means you have somehow decrease it (or move to a better workstation). There are two main solutions, decrease spatial extent or amount of threads particle filter uses:

Decrease spatial extent

a) just change xlim, ylim.

b) if your bird cannot occur over water, you can just exclude these points, something like

Land<, distance=25000) # distance from grid point to the closest body of land

Grid<-cbind(All.Points.Focus, Land=Land)

plot(Grid, type="n")
map('state',add=TRUE, lwd=1,  col=grey(0.5))
map('world',add=TRUE, lwd=1.5,  col=grey(0.8))
points(Grid[Grid[,1:2], pch=".", col="red", cex=2) 

Note: that the same function can be used to create behavioural masks.

c) Draw a polygon based on your prior knowledge and exclude points that are not in the polygon (function over() works fine for this).

Decrease amount of threads

R does not have shared RAM, so each of the threads will use separate chink of RAM. Before running particle filter (run.particle.filter()) we select how many threads we want to use with a function:

Threads= detectCores()-1

Change it to


Or less, depending on amount of RAM you have.