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Rust lang exercises

Personal tips and drills in my journey as a beginner rustacean

To install rust lang run:

$ curl -sSf | sh -s -- --no-modify-path 
$ sudo vim $HOME/.bash_profile

Then add source ~/.cargo/env to your .bash_profile

To check rust version run:

$ rustc --version

To read the rust documentation locally in the browser run rustup doc

Cargo is the dependency management tool for rust lang, to check the cargo version simply run:

$ cargo --version

To create a new cargo project run:

$ cargo new sample_project

To create a new cargo project without git init:

$ cargo new --vcs none sample_project

Building & executing programs

In order to build the program run the following command:

$ cargo build

This command will generate the Cargo.lock file which keeps track of the dependencies in the program and also will generate an executable file which is either for release or debug depending on the presence of the --release flag.

If you want to build & run in one step you can use the following command:

$ cargo run

To check if your program compiles simply run check which is faster than a build as it does not generate an executable file:

$ cargo check

Installing crates locally

In order to install a crate into your project you have to type the crate name and the desired version in you Cargo.toml file:

rsa = "0.4.0"

Fix warnings with rustfix

Rustfix comes by default in every rust installation so, in order to fix your code simply run:

cargo fix

Improve your code by using Clippy

To install clipy run

rustup component add clippy

then you can run it by entering cargo clippy in the console.