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Telegram Bot Library For Kotlin

Build telegram bot easier than ever with this library!



Step 1: Add the JitPack repository to your build file

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Kotlin DSL(build.gradle.kts):

    repositories {

Step 2: Add the dependency


dependencies {
    implementation "com.github.ehsannarmani:EasyBot:latest_version"

Kotlin DSL (build.gradle.kts):

dependencies {

Basic Usage

    token = "put bot token here",
    onUpdate = {
            reply("lib working fine")

Note: you can create bot in @BotFather and get that token.

Types of startups:

1. Use polling: In this type, you don't need to create web server and set webhook and ...

bot.startPolling(timeout = 60)

2. Use Webhook: In this type, automatically webserver will create with Ktor and automaticlly bot will call setWebhook (you don't need to setWebhook)

    port = 3000,
    host = "",
    webhookUrl = "https://xxx.xx",
    dropPendingUpdates = true of false
webhookUrl: webhook url must be your webserver address, if you are using this in your local system, you can use ngrok tool to get url from your local system like this:
ngrok http 3000

Note: You must enter the port that you entered in the launch method. it will give you address like:, use this address as webhookUrl in launch method

dropPendingUpdates: Also you can set this option for drop pending updates, if you set true for this param, pending updates in queue will not be considered and only new updates after launch will consider.

Receiving Updates

You can pass a function when making new instance from Bot like this:

    onUpdate = { update->

to get updates!

For example if you want to get message sender user id, you can do like this:

    onUpdate = { update->

Note: for using better updates, read telegram bot document

Also you can get text update with passing function to parameter onTextUpdate like this:

    onTextUpdate = { update->

Also you can collect update shared flow from bot to get updates in other place of your code like this:

val bot = Bot(token = "...")
bot.update.collect { update->

Note: to get update type, see this section.

Note: to get message type, see this section.

Error Handling

You can pass function for parameter onErrorThrown when you making instance from Bot to get errors like: serialization error and others:

    onErrorThrown = { error->


You can call all methods API bots have, For example you send message with this code:

val bot = Bot(...)
    chatId = "@mrenk",
    text = "Hello!",
    parseMode = "markdown",

Or sendPhoto:

val bot = Bot(...)
    chatId = "@mrenk",
    photo = "photo link here",
    caption = "Hello!",

And other methods!

Note: for information about methods you can read telegram bot document.

You can use this methods in onUpdate,onTextUpdate,onErrorThrown functions without writing bot instance like this:

    onUpdate = { update->
            chatId = update?.message?.chat?.id,
            text = "Hello, bot working successfully"
            chatId = update?.message?.chat?.id,
            photo = "..."


You can send four types of keyboards: InlineKeyboard,ReplyKeyboard,ForceReply,RemoveKeyboard

InlineKeyboard: (Buttons under the message and glass)

    chatId = "@mrenk",
    text = "Hey!",
    keyboard = InlineKeyboard(
        keyboard = listOf(
                InlineKeyboardItem(text = "Key1",callbackData = "key1Data"),
                InlineKeyboardItem(text = "Key2",callbackData = "key2Data"),
                InlineKeyboardItem(text = "Url",url = ""),

Note: you can check callback query data to handle this keys click:

onUpdate = { update->
    if(update?.callbackQuery?.data == "key1Data"){
        println("Key1 clicked!") 


    chatId = "@mrenk",
    text = "Hey!",
    keyboard = ReplyKeyboard(
        keyboard = listOf(
                ReplyKeyboardItem(text = "Key1"),
                ReplyKeyboardItem(text = "Key2"),
                ReplyKeyboardItem(text = "Contact",requestContact = true),
        resizeKeyboard = true,

ForceReply (For replying user telegram client automatically on message):

    chatId = "@mrenk",
    text = "Hey!",
    keyboard = ForceReply()

RemoveKeyboard (For removing current reply keyboard):

    chatId = "@mrenk",
    text = "Hey!",
    keyboard = RemoveKeyboard()


You can send result in types:

  • InlineQueryResultArticle

  • InlineQueryResultAudio

  • InlineQueryResultGif

  • InlineQueryResultContact

  • InlineQueryResultDocument

  • InlineQueryResultGame

  • InlineQueryResultPhoto

  • InlineQueryResultVenue

  • InlineQueryResultVideo

  • InlineQueryResultVoice

  • And some cached results (InlineQueryResultCachedAudio,Photo,...)

if (update.inlineQuery?.query == "hey"){
        inlineQueryId = update.inlineQuery?.id.toString(),
        results = listOf(
                title = "this is result",
                description = "this is description of result",
                isPersonal = true,
}else if (update.inlineQuery?.query == "hi"){
        inlineQueryId = update.inlineQuery?.id.toString(),
        results = listOf(
                photoUrl = "url of photo",

Easy Usage


1.You can listen for messages with onMessage{ } method:

    onUpdate = { update->
        onMessage{ message->
            println("Any messages received!")

2.You can listen for text messages with onText{ } method:

    onUpdate = { update->
        onText{ text->
            println("a text message received!")
Note: you can pass string for onText method to filter your listener:
    println("User sent to me hello")

3.You can listen for commands with onCommand{ } method:

    onUpdate = { update->
            println("start command entered!")

Note: for default , this method call when messages contain command, for example if text entered '/start@EasyBot' this scope will call, if you dont want to this happen, you can pass false for second parameter of this method lile:


this works when text only is '/start'

4.You can listen for all of other messages with their methods:

    onUpdate = { update->
        onPhoto{ photo->
            println("a photo message received!")
        onVoice{ voice->
            println("a voice message received!")
        onConatct{ contact->
            println("a contact message received!")
        // and all of other message types

5.You can listen for callback queries with onCallbackQuery { } method:

    onUpdate = { update->
        onCallbackQuery{ callbackQuery->
            print("callback query received")

Note: You can listen for a callback query data instead writing 'if' and checking data:

onUpdate = { update->
        println("key1Data pressed!")

6.You can listen for inline queries with onInlineQuery { } method:

    onUpdate = { update->
        onInlineQuery{ inlineQuery->
            print("inline query update received!")

Note: You can listen for a inline query - query instead writing 'if' and checking query:

onUpdate = {update->
        println("hi inline query typed!")

Helper Methods

1. reply

You can reply on sent message easier than calling sendMessage method

onUpdate = { update->
        reply("Hey! You started bot.")

2. delete

You can delete messages with calling delete method on that message instead calling deleteMessage method

onUpdate = { update->
    onCallbackQuery("key1Data"){ callbackQuery->
    onText("Violent content"){

3. editText

You can edit text messages with calling editText method on that message instead calling editMessage method

onUpdate = { update->
    onCallbackQuery("key1Data"){ callbackQuery->
        callbackQuery.message.editText(text = "New message text")

4. editKeyboard

You can edit messages keyboard with calling editKeyboard method on that message instead calling editMessage method

onUpdate = { update->
    onCallbackQuery("key1Data"){ callbackQuery->
        callbackQuery.message.editKeyboard(newKeyboard = InlineKeyboard(
            keyboard= listOf(
                    InlineKeyboardItem(text = "Key8", callbackData = "key8Data")

5. answer

You can answer callback queries with calling answer method on callback query instead calling answerCallbackQuery method

onUpdate = { update->
    onCallbackQuery("key1Data"){ callbackQuery->
        callbackQuery.answer("Hey! you clicked on Key1 button!",alert= true)

6. onClick (InlineKeyboards)

You can pass onClick to InlineKeyboardItems instead checking callback query data in onUpdate!

    chatId = "@mrenk",
    text = "Hey!",
    keyboard = InlineKeyboard(
        keyboard = listOf(
                InlineKeyboardItem(text = "Key1",callbackData = "key1Data").onClick{ callbackQuery->
                    callbackQuery.answer("You clicked Key1!")
                InlineKeyboardItem(text = "Key2",callbackData = "key2Data").onClick{ 
                    // do something

7. onClick (ReplyKeyboards)

You can pass onClick to ReplyKeyboardItems instead checking text in onUpdate!

    chatId = "@mrenk",
    text = "Hey!",
    keyboard = ReplyKeyboard(
        keyboard = listOf(
                ReplyKeyboardItem(text = "Key1").onClick{ message->
                    reply("You clicked on Key1")
                ReplyKeyboardItem(text = "Key2").onClick{ 
                    // do something


1. Put

You can save data in all of types for user

onUpdate = {
    onMessage {
        it.from.put(key = "foo",data = "this is data will saved in foo key")
        it.from.put(key = "age",data = 22)
        it.from.put(key = "grades",data = listOf(15,16,19,14))

Note: You can save data classes! But you must use Kotlinx Serialization library and mark your data class as @Serializable

data class Student(@SerialName("name") val name:String,@SerialName("age") val age:Int)

data class Teacher<T>(@SerialName("name") val name:String, @SerialName("subset") val subset:T)

    onUpdate = {
        onMessage {
            it.from.put(key = "student",data = Student(name = "jax",age = 17))
            it.from.put(key = "teacher",data = Teacher(name = "mr. jace",subset = Student(name = "alaska",age = 18)))

Note: saving data classes supported 1 generics currently !

2. Get

You can get saved data for user

onUpdate = {
    onMessage {
        val stringData = it.from.get<String>(key = "foo")
        val integerData:Int = it.from.get(key = "age")
        val listData = it.from.get<List<Int>>(key = "grades")
        val classData = it.from.get<Student>(key = "student")

Note: you must give your data type when you need to get it in <> , or specify your variable type

Note: you can get all of data saved in a type for user without specifying key:

onUpdate = {
    onMessage {
        val allStringDataSavedForUser = it.from.get<String>()
            val user = it.user
            val key = it.key
            val data =

Note: you can get all of data saved in a type for all users:

val allStringsSaved = bot.get<String>()

3. Edit

You can edit saved data for user

onUpdate = {
    onMessage {
       it.from.editData(key = "foo", newData = "x")
       it.from.editData(key = "student", newData = Student(name = "alaska", age = 17))

4. Delete

You can delete saved data for user

onUpdate = {
    onMessage {
       it.from.deleteData<String>(key = "foo")
       it.from.deleteData<Student>(key = "student")

Note: you must give your data type when you need to delete it in <> , or specify your variable type


  • Register: You can register user by calling this method on user:

onUpdate = { update->
  • ReRegister: You can register user by calling this method on user(if user was already registered, it will delete that and register again)

onUpdate = { update->
  • GetSelf: You can get registered user in data store by calling this method on user

onUpdate = { update->
    val self = update.message?.from?.getSelf()
  • GetUsers: You can get all users registered in datastore

onUpdate = { update->
    val usersList = update.message?.from?.getUsers()
    val usersCount = usersList.count()


1. step

You can set step for user, using this method

onUpdate = { update ->
    onMessage { msg ->
            reply("send your name")

2. onStep

You can listen for sending message from user on some steps with this method

onUpdate = { update ->
    onMessage { msg ->
            reply("name received, your name is: $it")

With these two methods you can receive inputs from user steply, a code for example:

onUpdate = { update ->
    onMessage { msg ->
            reply("send your name")
        onStep("name"){ enteredName->
            reply("your name received , send your age")
        onStep("age"){ enteredAge->
            reply("your age received.")

Update Types:

You can get update types:

onUpdate = { update->
    UpdateType.Message-> println("Message Update Received")
    UpdateType.EditMessage-> println("A Message Edited")
    UpdateType.ChannelPost-> println("A Channel Posted Something")
    UpdateType.ChannelPostEdit -> println("A Channel Edited Some Posts")
    UpdateType.JoinRequest -> println("Join Request Update Received")
    UpdateType.InlineResult -> println("Inline Result Update Received")
    UpdateType.PreCheckout -> println("PreCheckout Update Received")
    UpdateType.Shipping -> println("Shipping Update Received")
    UpdateType.CallbackQuery -> println("Callback Query Update Received")
    UpdateType.InlineQuery -> println("Inline Query Update Received")
    UpdateType.ChatMember -> println("Chat Member Update Received")
    UpdateType.MyChatMember -> println("MyChatMember Update Received")
    UpdateType.PollAnswer -> println("Someone put answer for a poll")
    UpdateType.Poll -> println("Poll Update Received")

Message Types:

You can get message types:

onUpdate = {
  onMessage { msg ->
      MessageType.Text -> print("Text Message Received")
      MessageType.Photo -> print("Photo Message Received")
      MessageType.Audio -> print("Audio Message Received")
      MessageType.Voice -> print("Voice Message Received")
      MessageType.Document -> print("Document Message Received")
      MessageType.Gif -> print("Gif Message Received")
      MessageType.Sticker -> print("Sticker Message Received")
      MessageType.Poll -> print("Poll Message Received")
      MessageType.Game -> print("Game Message Received")
      MessageType.Invoice -> print("Invoice Message Received")