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Project go-crash is just my go lang practices


Quick Start

If you already have Postgres and Redis running in your machine, just configure the config/config.yml file for credentials follow the steps:

  • Clone this repository
  • Then Run: go mod tidy && go mod vendor
  • Then Run: go run main.go
  • Or Run: export PROFILE=Default && go run main.go with selected profile
  • Open your browser on http://localhost:8080

Note: The dev, docker and prod profiles (environments)'s credentials are get passes from OS env-vars. Let say you want to run this project in kubernetes then, you should pass the environment variables in your deployment manifest. for example:

      image: path-to-image-of-this-project-in-repo
        - name: PROFILE
          value: "dev"
        - name: DATABASE_USER
          value: "postgres"
        - name: DATABASE_PASSWORD
          value: "postgres"
        - name: DATABASE_DB
          value: "go_crash"
        - name: REDIS_PASSWORD
          value: "secret"

the values can be later replaced into kube-secret or any other third party vault applications

check if server is working:

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/ping'

Api Documentations are in http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html

Docker Run

run the project in docker, It also has images for:

  • Redis
  • Postgres

Start the docker compose

docker-compose up -d

clean the docker compose

docker-compose down -v

Quick Start

login to postgres and create a record in auths table to create authentication user for token

insert into public.auths (id, username, password)
values (1, 'test', 'test');

basically eny api under /api/v1 is protected by Token header and needs to be authenticated.

to authenticate call the following command:

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/auth' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "username": "test",
    "password": "test"

now you have your token, you should use it in every call under /api/v1 as header Token

Create User

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/customers' \
--header 'token: eyJhbGciOiJI...GSqQhG8' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "firstName": "Jay",
    "lastName": "Ehsaniara",
    "title": "Software Engineer"

And the response from the following call will be:

  "ID": 1,
  "FirstName": "Jay",
  "LastName": "Ehsaniara",
  "Title": "Software Engineer",
  "CreatedBy": "test",
  "CreatedOn": 1623276844,
  "ModifiedOn": 1623276844

Get User

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/customers/1' \
--header 'token: eyJhbGciOiJI...GSqQhG8'

The first call gets the data from postgres and store it in your Redis cache ans show it as:

  "ID": 1,
  "FirstName": "Jay",
  "LastName": "Ehsaniara",
  "Title": "Engineer",
  "CreatedBy": "test",
  "CreatedOn": 1623276844,
  "ModifiedOn": 1623276844

Latter calls for the same customer id will be much faster because it's calling the redis from now on