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Client library for Egendata operator


npm install @egendata/client

Create client

const { create } = require('@egendata/client')

const config = {
  displayName: 'The name of your service',
  description: 'A nice description of your fantastic service',
  clientId: '', // Application domain with protocol
  operator: '', // URL of Operator
  clientKey: '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIICX...',
  jwksPath: '/jwks',     // endpoint for keys in jwks format
  eventsPath: '/events'  // endpoint for events - webhook style
const client = create(config)

How do I generate my client keys?

Provide routes

const express = require('express')
const app = express()

// Routes used by the operator

Connecting to Operator

await client.connect()

Create login URL

To enable users (who already have approved consents) to log in present this as a QR code so they can scan it with the Egendata-app on their phone.

const loginUrl = client.login.getUrl(sessionId)

When a user scans the code and logs in you will get a LOGIN_APPROVED event (see below) which contains the sessionId they logged in to.

Create consent request

const pendingRequest = client.consents.request(consentRequestData)

where consentRequestData is

  scope: [
      domain: '', // Application domain with protocol
      area: 'work_experience', // Name of the subset of data covered by this consent, something which makes sense in your domain
      description: 'A list of your work experience with dates.', // Description of the contents of the data area
      permissions: [ 'write' ], // Can be read or write
      purpose: 'In order to create a CV using our website.',
  expiry: 515185155 // a UNIX timestamp of when the consent will expire

and pendingRequest contains

  id: // v4 uuid of the consent request

when this is approved by a user it triggers a CONSENT_APPROVED event (see below)

Subscribe to events'CONSENT_APPROVED', consent => {
  // take action (eg. log in and redirect user)
})'LOGIN_APPROVED', consent => {
  // log in and redirect the session which has the provided sessionId

Consent format

  id: '78c2b714-222f-42fa-8ffa-ff0d6366c856', // uuid for consent
  scope: [
      domain: '', // Application domain with protocol
      area: 'work_experience', // Name of the subset of data covered by this consent, something which makes sense in your domain
      description: 'A list of your work experience with dates.', // Description of the contents of the data area
      permissions: [ 'write' ], // Can be read or write
      purpose: 'In order to create a CV using our website.',

Login request format

User logs in by scanning a QR-code containing: egendata://login/PAYLOAD

where PAYLOAD is a base64url encoded (RFC4648) JSON string containing:

  clientId: '',
  sessionId: '84845151884' // This is any string with which you can uniquely identify this user session

Generate a keypair using OpenSSL

Prerequisite: You will need to have OpenSSL installed on your system.

  1. Generate a RSA keypair with a 2048 bit private key
$ openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
  1. Extract the public key
$ openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem
writing RSA key

You will now have a suitable RSA keypair in the files private_key.pem and public_key.pem