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Wordpress plugin that adds a basic front-end login for to any page, post or widget and redirects to the page you choose.

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=== Simple Front-End Login ===
Contributors: eemitch
Donate link:
Tags: user login, login form, login redirect, no Admin bar, no dashboard
Requires at least: 5.0
Tested up to: 6.3
Requires PHP: 7.4
Stable tag: 1.2.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Adds a basic front-end login form to any page, post or widget and redirects to the page you choose.

== Description ==
Adds a basic front-end login for to any page, post or widget and redirects to the page you choose. It also can block access to the back-end and disable the Admin Bar. This plugin is for when you want your users to be logged-in, but do not want them to have access to the Wordpress Dashboard.

To display the login form, place this shortcode on any page, post, or widget: *[eeBFEL]*

After the user has logged in, they will be redirected to your home page or the URL you define in the plugin settings.

##Redirect After Login

To define destinations in additional login forms, use the "redirect" attribute to over-ride the default. There is no limit to the number of forms you can use.

*[eeBFEL redirect=""]*

##Deny Dashboard Access

In the plugin settings you can optionally select roles that you want to deny back-end access to. All built-in and custom roles, except Administrator, can be blocked. The Admin Bar will not appear and direct back-end access attempts will simply redirect to your home page. This restriction will be site-wide and is unrelated to the use of the shortcode.

Even if you don't need a login form, this can add an extra measure of security to your website by denying back-end access to all roles except Administrators.

== Installation ==
Just like most other Wordpress plugins...

1. To install, simply use the amazing Wordpress plugin installer, or upload the plugin zip file to your Wordpress website, and activate it.
1. A new main menu item will appear: **Settings > Login Form**  Click on this.
1. Configure the redirect URL and check the roles you wish to deny back-end access.
1. To add the login form to your website, simply add this shortcode:
***[eeBFEL redirect=""]***
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= What is this plugin for? =
I wrote this plugin because I needed a front-end login form, but didn't want the users to have any access to the back-end.
= Can't the users just type in the dashboard address to reach it? =
No. Any user with the chosen roles will be prevented from viewing the Wordpress Dashboard.

= How do users log out? =

If users return to the login page, a "Log Out" link will appear. You can also add a Log Out link on your page like this...

    <a href="">Log Out</a>
== Screenshots ==
1. Basic Login Form
2. Plugin Settings

== Upgrade Notice ==

* 1.2.1 - Added
== Changelog ==

= 1.2.1 =
* Added Copy-to-Clipboard function for the shortcode string
* Added Check All / Uncheck All to the Restriction options
* Updated security
* Updated code base
* Renamed back to Basic Front-End Login

= 1.1.4 = 
* Renamed the Plugin from Basic Front-End Login to Simple Front-End Login

= 1.1.3 =
* Moved the menu item into the Users menu
* Completed translations

= 1.1.1 =
* Initial Public Release

= 1.0.2 =
* Expanded for public distribution.
= 1.0.1 =
* Basic build for Simple File List, File Access Manager demo login.


Wordpress plugin that adds a basic front-end login for to any page, post or widget and redirects to the page you choose.



