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run project

npm run build
//build the front-end

npm start
// run the project with normal mode

npm run dev
// run the project with debug mode (node --harmony --inspect app)

Personal blog(mySpace)

it's a full stack project


  1. node v7.5.0
  2. web framework: koa2, use async/await to deal the callback
  3. database: mysql v5.6.22
  4. server-side template engine: swig
  5. logger: log4.js
  6. Timing components: schedule.js


  1. jquery
  2. mobile compatible
  3. pre compile: less
  4. icons: font-awesome 4.7.0
  5. text editor: simplemde,base on codeMirror, markdown
  6. react, redux, react-redux, react-router, redux-saga

client pages

  1. home/article list: /page/:index
  2. tag: /tag/:id:/:index
  3. article detail: /article/:id
  4. login/register: /sign
  5. data base tool: /tool

Administration page

  1. url: /writer
  2. webapp single page, base on react
  3. download/upload/save/update/create/delete

directory structure

├── common                   # common file folder
│   ├── config               # project config file
│   ├── app.js               # application config
│   ├── db.js                # database config
│   └── log4js.js            # logger config  
├── controllers              # sever-side controller folder
├── daos                     # database access layler folder
├── dist_views               # production html page folder
├── logs                     # log files folder
├── node_modules             # npm library
├── views                    # develop html page folder
├── public                   # front-end static folder
│   ├── admin                # Administration folder (react)
│   │   ├── actions
│   │   ├── component
│   │   ├── constants
│   │   ├── containers
│   │   ├── reducers
│   │   ├── sagas
│   │   ├── index.js         # react entry
│   │   └── util.js          # utility
│   ├── css                  # css files
│   ├── dist                 # front-end production folder
│   │   ├── admin
│   │   ├── css
│   │   └── js
│   ├── img                  # image file
│   ├── js                   # client side js files
│   ├── less                 # less file
│   ├── lib                  # front-end library
│   └── rev                  # generate by gulp-rev
├── routers.js               # router
├── app.js                   # project entry
├── gulpfile.js              # gulp config
└── package.json             # project description 


full stack project , nodejs, koa2, react 全栈开发的个人博客







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