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Releases: edsandorf/cmdlr


28 Mar 07:07
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v0.0.3 Pre-release

Major structural changes to the code that are incompatible with previous versions. The current set of codes are still considered unstable because they are under continuous development.

Speed and functionality improvements and minor bug fixes

18 Sep 06:10
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This release includes the ability to estimate models using the 'ucminf' package along with other code improvements and minor bug fixes. Under the hood, the code now creates an estimation environment and evaluates the log-likelihood function in that context, which avoids the need to make multiple calls to 'attach()' and 'detach()'.

First working version of cmdlR

26 Mar 14:03
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This is the first working version of the package. The package is still rough around the edges and has missing functionality. Formal tests of inputs and documentation is lacking, but will be added in future releases. Be careful if using the package in production.