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cvitolo committed Nov 22, 2017
1 parent 72afef9 commit 757ee42
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Showing 27 changed files with 682 additions and 258 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/LICENSE.html

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

Binary file added docs/articles/GADM_2.8_ITA_adm0.rds
Binary file not shown.
337 changes: 316 additions & 21 deletions docs/articles/caliver_intro-vignette.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,30 +1,325 @@
## ----setup, include=FALSE------------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE,
eval = FALSE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE)

## ---- echo = FALSE, eval = FALSE-----------------------------------------
# # Is CDO installed?
# Sys.which("cdo")[[1]]
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Install caliver from GitHub via devtools
# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("ecmwf/caliver")

## ---- eval = TRUE--------------------------------------------------------

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Get daily burned area maps from 2003 to 2015 (to be run in the console!)
# BurnedAreas <- get_gfed4(start_date = "2003-01-01",
# end_date = "2015-12-31",
# temporal_resolution = "daily",
# varname = "BurnedArea",
# region = "GLOB")
# # Is GDAL installed?
# Sys.which("gdal")[[1]]
# # The above can be saved as follows:
# raster::writeRaster(BurnedAreas,
# filename="BurnedArea.grd",
# bandorder='BIL', overwrite=TRUE, progress = 'text')

## ---- echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
# # The above can be re-loaded as follows:
# BurnedAreas <- raster::brick("BurnedArea.grd")

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Get all the BasisRegions
# BasisRegions <- get_gfed4(varname = "BasisRegions")

## ---- eval = TRUE--------------------------------------------------------
# Europe
Europe <- get_gfed4(varname = "BasisRegions", region = "EURO")

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # United Kingdom
# UnitedK <- raster::getData(name = "GADM", country = "United Kingdom",
# level = 0)
# # Is NetCDF installed?
# Sys.which("netcdf4")[[1]]
# # Spain
# Spain <- raster::getData(name = "GADM", country = "Spain", level = 0)

## ---- eval = TRUE--------------------------------------------------------
# Italy
Italy <- raster::getData(name = "GADM", country = "Italy", level = 0)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Italian regions
# Italy1 <- raster::getData(name = "GADM", country = "Italy", level = 1)
# # Is NCL installed?
# Sys.which("ncl")[[1]]
# # Get polygons for Liguria, Calabria and Sicily
# Liguria <- Italy1[9,]
# Calabria <- Italy1[4,]
# Sicily <- Italy1[15,]
# setwd('/scratch/mo/moc0/fire/')
# # Get polygon for the Province of Genoa
# Italy2 <- raster::getData(name = "GADM", country = "Italy", level = 2)
# Genoa <- Italy2[42,]

## ---- eval = TRUE--------------------------------------------------------
geff5tar <- system.file(file.path("testdata", "geff5.tar"),
package = "caliver")
b <- import_geff_data_from_tar(archive = geff5tar)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# decompress_gz(input_dir = "./tmp")

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# processingTime <- system.time({
# stack_netcdf_files(input_dir = "./tmp", output_file = "")
# })

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# map <- get_percentile_raster(input_file = "", probs = 50)

## ---- eval = TRUE--------------------------------------------------------
maps <- get_percentile_raster(r = b, probs = c(50, 75, 90))

## ---- eval = TRUE--------------------------------------------------------
mapItaly <- mask_crop_subset(r = maps, p = Italy, idx = c(1, 3))

## ---- eval = TRUE, fig.width = 7-----------------------------------------
# Use the raster plot method
raster::plot(mapItaly, main = c("FWI 50th perc.", "FWI 90th perc."))

# Use the caliver plotPercentiles function
plot_percentile_raster(maps = mapItaly, main = c("FWI 50th perc.", "FWI 90th perc."))

## ---- eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
# packs <- c("rgdal", "ncdf4", "ggplot2", "raster", "sp", "grDevices",
# "RCurl", "rworldmap", "graphics", "httr", "stringr",
# "lubridate", "rhdf5", "RColorBrewer", "dplyr", "ggmap",
# "purrr", "viridis")
# new.packages <- packs[!(packs %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
# if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)
## ---- eval = TRUE--------------------------------------------------------
dataDates <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("1980-01-01"),
to = as.Date("2016-12-31"),
by = "day")

# Define a function to extract fire seasons in Europe
seasons <- get_fire_season(dates = dataDates, zone = "north")

# Create an index of fire season dates
fireSeasonIndex <- which(seasons == TRUE)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Load FWI dataset obtained previously
# FWI <- raster::brick("")
# # Mask/Crop/Subset FWI over Europe
# FWIEURO <- mask_crop_subset(r = FWI, p = Europe, idx = fireSeasonIndex)
# # Calculate levels
# EuropeThr <- get_fire_danger_levels(fire_index = FWIEURO)
# # Country level: use a loop to calculate levels for all the countries in the EU:
# # This does not take into account Greenland, Cyprus, Andorra and Luxembrourg.
# EUcountries <- c("Austria", "Belgium", "Bulgaria", "Croatia",
# "Czech Republic", "Denmark", "Estonia", "Finland", "France",
# "Germany", "Greece", "Hungary", "Ireland", "Italy", "Latvia",
# "Lithuania", "Luxembourg", "Malta", "Netherlands", "Poland",
# "Portugal", "Romania", "Slovakia", "Slovenia", "Spain",
# "Sweden", "United Kingdom")
# for (singleCountry in EUcountries){
# print(singleCountry)
# # Mask/Crop/Subset FWI and generate thresholds for singleCountry
# singleCountryFWI <- mask_crop_subset(r = FWI,
# p = raster::getData(name = "GADM",
# country = singleCountry,
# level = 0),
# idx = fireSeasonIndex)
# singleCountryThr <- get_fire_danger_levels(fire_index = singleCountryFWI)
# # Append values to data.frame
# if (singleCountry == "Austria") {
# df <- data.frame(matrix(singleCountryThr, nrow = 1))
# }else{
# df <- rbind(df, singleCountryThr)
# }
# print(df)
# }
# EuroThr <- data.frame(cbind(EUcountries, df, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
# names(EuroThr) <- c("Country", "Low", "Moderate", "High", "VeryHigh", "Extreme")
# # Regional level
# # Mask/Crop/Subset FWI and generate thresholds for Liguria
# LIG <- mask_crop_subset(r = FWI, p = Liguria, idx = fireSeasonIndex)
# EuroThr <- rbind(EuroThr, c("Liguria", get_fire_danger_levels(fire_index = LIG)))
# # Mask/Crop/Subset FWI and generate thresholds for Calabria
# CAL <- mask_crop_subset(r = FWI, p = Calabria, idx = fireSeasonIndex)
# EuroThr <- rbind(EuroThr, c("Calabria", get_fire_danger_levels(fire_index = CAL)))
# # Mask/Crop/Subset FWI and generate thresholds for Sicily
# SIC <- mask_crop_subset(r = FWI, p = Sicily, idx = fireSeasonIndex)
# EuroThr <- rbind(EuroThr, c("Sicily", get_fire_danger_levels(fire_index = SIC)))
# # Province level
# # Mask/Crop/Subset FWI and generate thresholds for Genoa
# GEN <- mask_crop_subset(r = FWI, p = Genoa, idx = fireSeasonIndex)
# EuroThr <- rbind(EuroThr, c("Genoa", get_fire_danger_levels(fire_index = GEN)))
# # Remove NAs, e.g. Luxembourg and Malta are too small compared to the ratser resolution
# EuroThr <- EuroThr[complete.cases(EuroThr),]
# EuroThr <- rbind(EuroThr, c("Europe", EuropeThr))
# # Save table with thresholds for future use
# saveRDS(EuroThr, "EuroThr.rds")

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# countryPDF <- plot_fire_pdf(fire_index = IT,
# thresholds = EuroThr["Italy", ],
# upper_limit = 75,
# v_lines = c(0.50, 0.75, 0.90))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# library("pROC")
# BurnedAreas <- raster::brick("GFED4_BurnedAreas/BurnedArea.grd")
# # Mask and crop burned areas over Europe
# BA <- mask_crop_subset(r = BurnedAreas, p = Europe)
# # If observations layers have no date, assign it!
# dataDates <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2003-01-01"),
# to = as.Date("2015-12-31"), by = "day")
# names(BA) <- dataDates
# EuroThrHigh <- as.numeric(EuroThr[EuroThr$Country == "Europe", 4])
# # The above can be saved and re-loaded as follows:
# raster::writeRaster(BA, filename="BurnedAreaEurope.grd",
# bandorder='BIL', overwrite=TRUE, progress = 'text')
# BurnedAreaEurope <- raster::brick("BurnedAreaEurope.grd")
# # For the validation we do not want to subset over the fire season, subset to match days in BurnedAreaEurope
# FWIEURO <- mask_crop_subset(r = FWI, p = Europe, idx = which(names(FWI) %in% names(BurnedAreaEurope)))
# # The above can be saved and re-loaded as follows:
# raster::writeRaster(FWIEURO, filename="FWIEURO.grd", bandorder='BIL', overwrite=TRUE, progress = 'text')
# FWIEURO <- raster::brick("FWIEURO.grd")
# # Contingency table for JRC - Europe as a whole
# x1 <- validate_fire_danger_levels(fire_index = FWIEURO, observation = BurnedAreaEurope,
# fire_threshold = 21.3, obs_threshold = 50)
# tab_x <- table(pred = x1$pred, obs = x1$obs)
# hits <- tab_x[2,2]
# misses <- tab_x[1,2]
# correct_negatives <- tab_x[1,1]
# false_alarms <- tab_x[2,1]
# # POD 47%
# round(hits/(hits+misses),2)*100
# roc1 <- pROC::roc(response = x1$obs, predictor = x1$pred)
# pROC::plot.roc(roc1, print.auc = pROC::auc(roc1), print.auc.x = 0, print.auc.y = 0.9)
# # Contingency table for caliver - Europe as a whole
# x2 <- validate_fire_danger_levels(fire_index = FWIEURO, observation = BurnedAreaEurope,
# fire_threshold = EuroThrHigh, obs_threshold = 50)
# tab_x <- table(pred = x2$pred, obs = x2$obs)
# hits <- tab_x[2,2]
# misses <- tab_x[1,2]
# # POD 65%
# round(hits/(hits+misses),2)*100
# roc2 <- pROC::roc(response = x2$obs, predictor = x2$pred)
# pROC::plot.roc(roc2, col = "red", add = TRUE,
# print.auc = pROC::auc(roc2), print.auc.x = 0, print.auc.y = 0.95,
# print.auc.col = "red")
# # Loop throught the countries
# for (singleCountry in EuroThr[1:26,"Country"]){
# print(singleCountry)
# if (!(singleCountry %in% c("Cyprus"))){
# countryPoly <- raster::getData(name = "GADM", country = singleCountry, level = 0)
# countryThr <- as.numeric(EuroThr[EuroThr$Country == singleCountry, 4])
# # Crop RasterBricks over country of interest
# BA_country <- mask_crop_subset(r = BurnedAreaEurope, p = countryPoly)
# FWI_country <- mask_crop_subset(r = FWIEURO, p = countryPoly)
# JRC <- validate_fire_danger_levels(fire_index = FWI_country,
# observation = BA_country,
# fire_threshold = 21.3,
# obs_threshold = 50)
# tab_JRC <- data.frame(table(JRC$pred, JRC$obs))
# caliver1 <- validate_fire_danger_levels(fire_index = FWI_country,
# observation = BA_country,
# fire_threshold = EuroThrHigh,
# obs_threshold = 50)
# tab_caliver1 <- data.frame(table(caliver1$pred, caliver1$obs))
# caliver2 <- validate_fire_danger_levels(fire_index = FWI_country,
# observation = BA_country,
# fire_threshold = countryThr,
# obs_threshold = 50)
# tab_caliver2 <- data.frame(table(caliver2$pred, caliver2$obs))
# if (singleCountry == "Austria") {
# df_caliver1 <- df_caliver2 <- df_effis <- data.frame("pred" = tab_caliver1$pred, "obs" = tab_caliver1$obs)
# i <- 3
# }
# df_caliver1 <- cbind(df_caliver1, tab_caliver1$Freq)
# names(df_caliver1)[i] <- singleCountry
# df_caliver2 <- cbind(df_caliver2, tab_caliver2$Freq)
# names(df_caliver2)[i] <- singleCountry
# df_effis <- cbind(df_effis, tab_JRC$Freq)
# names(df_effis)[i] <- singleCountry
# i <- i + 1
# rm(countryPoly, countryThr, BA_country, FWI_country)
# }
# }
# # Save contingency tables
# saveRDS(df_caliver1, "df_caliver1.rds")
# saveRDS(df_caliver2, "df_caliver2.rds")
# saveRDS(df_effis, "df_effis.rds")
# # Europe (EFFIS danger levels)
# sum(df_effis[4,3:27]) # hits
# sum(df_effis[3,3:27]) # misses
# # Europe (averaged danger levels)
# sum(df_caliver1[4,3:27]) # hits
# sum(df_caliver1[3,3:27]) # misses
# # Europe (country-specific danger levels)
# sum(df_caliver2[4,3:27]) # hits
# sum(df_caliver2[3,3:27]) # misses
# # UK (EFFIS danger levels)
# df_effis[4, which(names(df_caliver2) == "United Kingdom")] # hits
# df_effis[3, which(names(df_caliver2) == "United Kingdom")] # misses
# # UK (EU averaged danger levels)
# df_caliver1[4, which(names(df_caliver2) == "United Kingdom")] # hits
# df_caliver1[3, which(names(df_caliver2) == "United Kingdom")] # misses
# # UK (country-specific danger levels)
# df_caliver2[4, which(names(df_caliver2) == "United Kingdom")] # hits
# df_caliver2[3, which(names(df_caliver2) == "United Kingdom")] # misses
# # Spain (EFFIS danger levels)
# df_effis[4, which(names(df_caliver2) == "Spain")] # hits
# df_effis[3, which(names(df_caliver2) == "Spain")] # misses
# # Spain (EU averaged danger levels)
# df_caliver1[4, which(names(df_caliver2) == "Spain")] # hits
# df_caliver1[3, which(names(df_caliver2) == "Spain")] # misses
# # Spain (country-specific danger levels)
# df_caliver2[4, which(names(df_caliver2) == "Spain")] # hits
# df_caliver2[3, which(names(df_caliver2) == "Spain")] # misses
# # Install Bioconductor packages
# devtools::install_github("Bioconductor-mirror/rhdf5")
# # Italy (EFFIS danger levels)
# df_effis[4, which(names(df_caliver2) == "Italy")] # hits
# df_effis[3, which(names(df_caliver2) == "Italy")] # misses
# # Italy (EU averaged danger levels)
# df_caliver1[4, which(names(df_caliver2) == "Italy")] # hits
# df_caliver1[3, which(names(df_caliver2) == "Italy")] # misses
# # Italy (country-specific danger levels)
# df_caliver2[4, which(names(df_caliver2) == "Italy")] # hits
# df_caliver2[3, which(names(df_caliver2) == "Italy")] # misses

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