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Built-in vscode extensions

This extension contributes built-in VS Code extensions to Eclipse Theia applications.

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Getting started (locally)

Install nvm.

curl -o- | bash

Install npm and node.

nvm install 18
nvm use 18

NOTE: To re-build older vscode extensions requiring node 12, use the branch node-12 on this repository and follow the corresponding on that branch.

Install yarn.

npm install -g yarn

Install vscode.

cd vscode-builtin-extensions
git submodule init
git submodule update

Install vscode prerequisite dependencies.

Pick a specific vscode version (optional)

cd <repo root>/vscode
git checkout 1.58.1


yarn build:extensions

Packaging a built-in vscode extension.

The version of the packaged built-in corresponds to the version present in the vscode sub-module's package.json. For next versions, an appropriate hash suffix is added.

Latest / solid revision example:

cd vscode; git checkout 1.58.1; cd ..
yarn; yarn package-vsix:latest

Next / interim revision example:

cd vscode; git checkout fe671f300845ca5161885125b1e12d43fc25ccf8; cd ..
yarn; yarn package-vsix:next

The generated .vsix will be under folder ./dist

Packaging built-in vscode extensions in an extension-pack.

The version of the built-in extension-pack corresponds to the version present in the vscode sub-module's package.json. For next versions, an appropriate hash suffix is added.

Latest / solid revision example:

cd vscode; git checkout 1.58.1; cd ..
yarn; yarn create-extension-pack:latest

Next / interim revision example:

cd vscode; git checkout fe671f300845ca5161885125b1e12d43fc25ccf8; cd ..
yarn; yarn create-extension-pack:next

The generated .vsix will be under the folder ./dist

Publishing individual built-in vscode extensions and builtin-extension-packs to open-vsx

The ovsx client is used to publish to an open-vsx registry. The default registry is set to the public instance at

The environment variable OVSX_REGISTRY_URL may be set to configure publishing to a different registry URL.

The environment variable OVSX_PAT is used to set the personal access token obtained from the registry.

After packaging the extensions and extension-packs as .vsix (see above), you may examine/test them under the dist folder. Remove any extension that you do not wish to be published (e.g. those not working well), and when ready proceed with publishing:

yarn publish:vsix

Re-publishing individual built-in vscode extensions and built-in extension packs to open-vsx.

Solid version

There is a GH action to help: publish-vsx-specific-latest. For this to work, the version to be published needs to be removed from open-vsx. Then one must push to branch ovsx-publish. Make sure the wanted solid version of the vscode git submodule is checked-out in the pushed change. We do not care about that branch - once the publishing is done, it can be force reset the next time.

Intermediary (next) version

There is a GH action to help: publish-vsx-specific-next. For this to work, the version to be published needs to be removed from open-vsx. Then one must push to branch ovsx-publish-next. Make sure the wanted intermediary version of the vscode git submodule is checked-out in the pushed change. We do not care about that branch - once the publishing is done, it can be force reset the next time.



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