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How to create a release

Andrew Guibert edited this page Jan 14, 2020 · 3 revisions
  1. Go to the Release tab in the Jenkins dashboard:
  2. Run a staging build by clicking "build with parameters" here: Be sure to fill in the parameters: RELEASE_VERSION, NEXT_VERSION
  3. The staging build should be available at but sometimes it takes a while to show up
  4. Get the staging repo ID by running the job: then check the output to see what the ID is. It should be something like orgeclipseyasson-1014.
  5. Update the oss-close job script section with the new repo ID from the previous step, press "Apply", then run the job.
  6. Update the oss-release job script section with the new repo ID, press "Apply", then run the job.
  7. About 20-30 minutes after the oss-release job completes, you should see the artifact on maven central here:
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