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performance 0.10.4

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@strengejacke strengejacke released this 02 Jun 11:43
· 168 commits to main since this release
  • icc() and r2_nakagawa() gain a ci_method argument, to either calculate
    confidence intervals using boot::boot() (instead of lmer::bootMer()) when
    ci_method = "boot" or analytical confidence intervals
    (ci_method = "analytical"). Use ci_method = "boot" when the default method
    fails to compute confidence intervals and use ci_method = "analytical" if
    bootstrapped intervals cannot be calculated at all. Note that the default
    computation method is preferred.

  • check_predictions() accepts a bandwidth argument (smoothing bandwidth),
    which is passed down to the plot() methods density-estimation.

  • check_predictions() gains a type argument, which is passed down to the
    plot() method to change plot-type (density or discrete dots/intervals).
    By default, type is set to "default" for models without discrete outcomes,
    and else type = "discrete_interval".

  • performance_accuracy() now includes confidence intervals, and reports those
    by default (the standard error is no longer reported, but still included).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in check_collinearity() for fixest models that used i()
    to create interactions in formulas.