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Easydep is a small, HTTP driven & simple tool to automatically clone a repository from GitHub(using a GitHub app), checking out a specific tag, execute a script located inside repository, and symlink to the prepared directory to make it available as the latest release. It was also built to allow parallel deployment to multiple servers without one server finishing with one version of the deployment way before the others.

Env Configuration

Required Variables

  • EASYDEP_GITHUB_APP_ID: The app id to use when accessing the GitHub api. This id is available from the app settings on GitHub (Settings -> Developer Settings -> GitHub Apps -> Select App to configure. The app id is visible in the About Category)
  • EASYDEP_GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY: The app private key used to sign jwt when sending requests to the GitHub api. The given variable must be a path to the key file in PEM format.
  • EASYDEP_GITHUB_REPO_ORG: The organization where the GitHub app is installed and where the repository is located from which releases are to be pulled. Note that the setting must be an organization, setting it to a username will not work.
  • EASYDEP_GITHUB_REPO_NAME: The repository to pull the releases from. The repo must be within the scope of the given organization.
  • EASYDEP_DEPLOY_BASE_DIRECTORY: The base directory into which releases should are to be pulled. Each release gets a new folder in the given base directory, and the symlink to the current deployment will be located in that directory as well.
  • EASYDEP_BIND_HOST: The host and port (in the format ip:port or [ipv6]:port) to bind the HTTP server that is to handle the incoming requests.
  • EASYDEP_REQUEST_AUTH_TOKEN: The authentication header value (Bearer token) that each http request is required to have set in order to make an HTTP request. Note: Empty values do not mean that no token is required.

Optional Variables

  • EASYDEP_DEPLOY_LINK_DIRECTORY: The directory name of the symlink which should be created for the latest pulled release. This variable defaults to current.
  • EASYDEP_DEPLOY_ADDITIONAL_SYMLINKS: Additional symlinks that should be created linking from the deployment directory to a resolved, external path. The structure of the input is the same as for labels. The key represents the directory which should be virtually created and linked to the given resolved target directory (the value). By default, no additional symlinks will be created.
  • EASYDEP_DEPLOY_PUBLISH_DELAY: The delay (in seconds) that should be applied between receiving the publish HTTP request and the actual execution of the publication step. This can for example be used when synchronizing between multiple steps is required. This variable defaults to 15.
  • EASYDEP_RELEASE_CACHE_TIME: The time (in minutes) a publish request should be cached locally on the server. Within the given timespan the request to prepare and cancel/publish the deployment must be made. This variable defaults to 15.
  • EASYDEP_MAX_STORED_RELEASES: The maximum amount of old releases to keep. If the given limit is exceeded, the oldest releases will be deleted when a new releases is executed. The given value can be any positive number than is larger than 2. This variable defaults to 10.
  • EASYDEP_LOG_DEBUG: Set this variable to true to enable debug logging. This variable defaults to false.
  • EASYDEP_REVISION_FILE: Sets the name of the file to write the current git revision to. If set to an empty string the current revision is not written to any file. This variable defaults to REVISION.


sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/easydep
sudo touch /etc/default/easydep
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/easydep.service

Service Configuration







Start & Enable

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start easydep.service
sudo systemctl enable easydep.service

Preparing the target repository

The repository that should be pulled and deployed by this tool needs to be "prepared" as well. The target repository must contain a bash script that is located at .easydep/ That script will be executed when a release was made, and is responsible to prepare the cloned repository before it gets linked as the latest release.

Some pitfalls that might happen:

  1. Git commands are no longer available. Before the script gets executed, the .git folder gets removed from the repository, making it impossible to still use git commands.
  2. The script is executed from the root directory of the repository, not from the .deploy folder. This means that all executed commands are running in the root directory, not from the .deploy directory.
  3. Additional symlinks (such as log files) are created after the script was executed, and are therefore not present.

Script execution order

All scripts must be located in the .easydep directory. There are two steps that can have scripts, and 2 results that can occur from these steps. Based on the step result, the according script is executed.

The main script is the script. The script is always executed after the git repository was prepared and some general cleanup steps were taken (all within the init task). The script is responsible for preparing the pulled repository for deployment.

The following step results exist:

  • success: The step was executed successfully.
  • failure: There was some kind of failure when executing the step.

The following steps exist:

  • init: The first step. During this step the repository gets checked out and prepared and the gets executed.
  • publish: The second step that is responsible for publishing a release.

The script naming for lifecycle scripts is always the same: [step name]_[step result].sh (all lowercase). Note: there is no 100% guarantee that the failure script for the init task is executed. When the task fails early (for example while fetching the git repository) there is no way to execute the script. Therefore, scripts should not be used to handle errors, the client that is making the request should handle failures and gets the full logging output.

Compile from source

  1. Clone this repository
  2. If you're on Linux you might need to install build-essentials
  3. Make sure you have Cargo installed and run cargo build --release
  4. Take the final file from target/release/easydep[.extension]

Download pre-compiled binary

The binaries for easydep are pre-compiled available attached to each release. These are currently pre-compiled for the following targets:

Target Architectures
Apple x64, x86, aarch64
Linux x64, x86, aarch64

How does it work?

There are 3 HTTP handlers which can be called to deploy a release to a server:

  • /deploy/start: Starts the deployment process. This will run the init task. The required query parameters for this route are:
    • release_id: A unique, positive id for the release, can be for example the release id from GitHub. This id must be incremental in order to make the release discarder work properly.
    • tag_name: The name of the tag (can also be a branch or commit) that should be processed for the deployment.
  • /deploy/publish: Publishes the deployment that was previously prepared and links it as the current one. The base time supplied via the query parameter gives the time that the request was sent out initially. The server will add the configured publish delay seconds and execute the publication task at the given time. The required query parameters for this route are:
    • release_id: The unique id of the release to publish. This id must be same as supplied to the start route.
    • base_time: The unix epoch base time seconds when the release publication was requested.
  • /deploy/cancel: Cancels a deployment that wasn't published yet. The handler for the route will wait for the init handler to complete before starting the cancellation task. When the client gets a successful response, the deployment is completely cancelled and all associated data is removed from the server. The required query parameter for this route is:
    • release_id: The unique id of the release to cancel. This id must be same as supplied to the start route.

All routes can respond with the following status codes:

Status Meaning
200 The requested action was completed successfully. The body of the response can contain additional informative data (for example command outputs)
400 The client sent invalid data and the handler is not able to process the request with/for that data (at the current time). The body of the responds contains detailed information about the cause.
401 The client sent an invalid authorization token.
500 There was an internal error processing the request. The body of the response contains additional information (for example a short error message or log outputs).

It is up to the calling client to decide if a release gets cancelled or publish and when the release is published. Just note that cancelling or publishing a deployment is no longer possible after it expired in the cache (see the EASYDEP_RELEASE_CACHE_TIME config option for more information).