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XML Calabash XProc Module for eXist-db XQuery

Build Status Java 8 License

This repository holds the code for the eXist-db XQuery XML Calabash XProc extension module.


Requirements: Java 8, Maven 3.

  1. git clone

  2. cd xquery-xproc-xmlcalabash-module

  3. mvn package

You will then find a file named similar to target/xquery-xproc-calabash-module-0.9.xar.

Installation into eXist-db

You can install the module into eXist-db in either one of two ways:

  1. As an EXPath Package (.xar file)
  2. Directly as a XQuery Java Extension Module (.jar file)

EXPath Package Installation into eXist-db (.xar)

  1. If you have compiled yourself (see above), you can take the target/xquery-xproc-xmlcalabash-module-1.0-SNAPSHOT.xar file and upload it via eXist's EXPath Package Manager app in its Dashboard

  2. Otherwise, the latest release version will also be available from the eXist's EXPath Package Manager app in its Dashboard

Direct Installation into eXist-db (.jar)

  1. If you have compiled yourself (see above), copy target/xquery-xproc-xmlcalabash-module-1.0-SNAPSHOT-exist.jar to $EXIST_HOME/lib/user.

  2. Edit $EXIST_HOME/conf.xml and add the following to the <builtin-modules>:

    <module uri="" class="org.exist.xquery.xproc.xmlcalabash.XProcXmlCalabashModule"/>
  3. Restart eXist-db

Example Usage

  1. Upload an XProc pipeline somewhere into eXist (ex. /db/test/hello.xproc):
<p:declare-step version="1.0" xmlns:p="">
    <p:input port="source">
    <p:output port="result"/>
  1. Invoke the XProc from XQuery using xmlcalabash:process (in eXide for example):
import module namespace xmlcalabash = "";



import module namespace xmlcalabash = "";



Currently there are a few limitations with this extension:

  • Function signature will change soon to accept XML for pipeline, output, as well as specify input/output/parameter ports and options... for now it's primitive

  • p:xquery has no context with eXist, this is a big limitation, but there are several ways around this

  • No documentation, will probably add to existing XProc area