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Saltstorm - Fun-Money Betting on the Web

What is Saltstorm?

Saltstorm is an open-source fun-money betting web app that is heavily inspired by Salty Bet.

What Makes Saltstorm Different?


  • Enables admins to push detailed match data to stats sites
  • Allows users to spend fun-money (currently on CoD Prestige-like ranks)
  • Has a JSON API for clients and administrators (Example Ruby Script)


These deployment instructions assume that you have prior experience with deploying Ruby web applications.


Web server with shell access, Node.js 14.16.x, and Ruby 3.0.0. Right now, this web app only supports SQLite and PostgreSQL.

Deployment Instructions

  1. Pull this repo and run bundle install
  2. Run npm install
  3. Create and setup your database of choice (don't create tables)
  4. Create a config/database.yml file to provide DB connection details
    1. cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
  5. Create a config/email.yml file for sending emails to users
    1. cp config/email.yml.example config/email.yml
  6. Run rake initial_setup RACK_ENV='production' (this creates tables and does other stuff)
  7. Tweak config/site.yml to your liking
    1. Change the site url (site_url setting) to the URL that others will access Saltstorm from
    2. Change the main_video_html setting use 'embed' code for your stream
    3. You can also change the name (site_name) and description (site_description)
  8. Setup important cron jobs using bundle exec whenever (official site for whenever)
  9. Run npx webpack --mode=production to build the client-side site
  10. Run bundle exec puma to start the site.

Saltstorm is a WIP

Saltstorm is unstable and has no version number. Things could break.

License Info


Saltstorm Uses Cool Technologies

Saltstorm's API uses Sinatra (with sinatra-flash) and Sequel. The Rakefile uses Highline for user input. whenever makes the cron job for sending e-mails. mail sends e-mails. RestClient POSTs data to web users.

The front-end uses Webpack to package a application AngularJS and Bootstrap 3.0.

Tests use rspec, rack-test, factory_bot, and simplecov.


An open-source platform where people can "bet" play money on anything.







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