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About The Project

Google Workspace automation with Eventarc

The solution in this project was presented at DevFest Craiova 2022

Get Ready to integrate Workspace with the Google Cloud Platform

Workspace configuration

Google Workspace needs to Share data with Google Cloud services for this solution. Once enabled the events will flow to the organization logs. You can view the logs by opening the log viewer on organisation level organisation level.

On the GCP organisation you need the following roles: - Logging Admin - Organisation Administrator

GCP billinhg

A billing account is required. You need Billing Account User access on the billing account.


The solution uses Terraform to deploy the infrastructure. The state is maintained in a cloud bucket. For this solution you need such a bucket and write rights on that bucket. Note down both the name of this bucket and the project id.

Terraform will create two Google Cloud Projects in an existing GCP Folder. Create the folder in the GCP organisation, or use an existing one. Note down down the id of the folder. On this folder you need the following roles: - Folder Viewer - Project Owner - Project Creator

To deploy the solution you first need to clone this repository. When you are in the root directory of the repository go to the gcp-infrastructure directory.

cd terraform/environments/development/gcp-infrastructure/
  • Create the file with the contents
terraform {
  backend "gcs" {
	 bucket = "[the name of the bucket for the terraform state]"
	 prefix = "development/infrastructure"
  • Create the file terraform.tfvars with the contents:
terraform_project_id = "[the project id]"
org_id = "[the id of the GCP organisation]"
folder_id = "[the id of the folder]"
billing_account_id = "[the id of the billing account]"
main_region = "[the region to deploy the solution]"
  • run terraform init
  • run terraform plan
  • review the plan
  • run terraform apply

You will get an API error here, wait 5 minutes and run Run terraform apply again

  • run git remote add development[infrastructure_project_id]/r/workspace-gcp-integration
  • run git push development

The git push will trigger the build of a container. Check the Cloud Build in the infrastructure project. Once the build is done, a container is available in the Artifact Registry

  • goto the workspace-gcp-integration directory
  • Create the file with the contents
terraform {
  backend "gcs" {
    bucket = "[the name of the bucket for the terraform state]"
    prefix = "development/workspace-gcp-sync"
data "terraform_remote_state" "google_infrastructure" {
  backend = "gcs"
  config = {
    bucket = "[the name of the bucket for the terraform state]"
    prefix = "development/infrastructure"
  • Create the file terraform.tfvars with the contents:
terraform_project_id = "[the project id]"
main_region = "[the region to deploy the solution]"
organisation_iam_audit_log_move_user_to_ou_sink = "iam-audit-log-move-user-to-ou-sink-development"
organisation_iam_audit_log_move_user_to_ou_sink_disabled = false
hello_cloud_run_build_version = "0.0.1"
org_id = "[the GCP organisation id]"
  • run terraform init
  • run terraform plan
  • review the plan
  • run terraform apply


Jasper Duizendstra - @duizendstra -

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