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I present here a microservice-oriented application that uses some basic Docker features including docker-compose. It consists of a collection of separate servers all running in Docker containers. All servers send traces to a Zipkin server also running in a container.

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I present here a microservice-oriented application that uses some basic Docker features including docker-compose. It consists of a collection of separate servers all running in Docker containers. All servers send traces to a Zipkin server also running in a container.

Here are the prerequisites for running the complete application:

A recent Docker version installed (I used 17.12.0-ce) A recent Apache Maven version installed (I used 3.3.9) A Docker Redis image. A Docker RabbitMQ image with management UI. An HTTP tool like Postman or equivalent.

In addition I used Spring Tool Suite for developing this demo but it is not required for running the application.

Here is the list of all 13 containers:

Server Image Port Function Database connection
rabbitmq-server rabbitmq:3-management 15672, 5672 Messaging broker
config-server gutenberg/config-server 8888 Configuration server None
eurekaserver gutenberg/eureka-service 8761 Discovery server None
books-mongodb mongo 27017 Schemaless database
book-service gutenberg/book-server 8081 Book requests booksonline
review-service gutenberg/review-server 8082 Review requests booksonline
order-service gutenberg/order-server 8083 Order requests booksonline
user-service gutenberg/user-server 8084 User requests booksonline
zuul-service gutenberg/zuul-server 5555 Gateway None
admin-service gutenberg/admin-server 9090 admin server booksonline
redis-service redis 6379 Cache None
frontend-service gutenberg/frontend-server 8080 frontend None
zipkin-server gutenberg/zipkinsvr 9411 trace collector in-memory

Some volumes are used for persistence. They are listed below:

Volume external name Server Volume type Source Target
gutenberg-rabbitmq-db rabbitmq-server volume rabbitmqdb /var/lib/rabbitmq
gutenberg-books-db books-mongodb bind booksdb /data/db

A gateway is used to hide some Spring servers. Here is the list:

Server Port Gateway URI
book-service 8081 zuul-service:5555/books
review-service 8082 zuul-service:5555/reviews
order-service 8083 zuul-service:5555/orders
user-service 8084 zuul-service:5555/users

Here are the steps to run the application:

1. Images creation

In each of the 10 project subdirectories:

config-server eureka-service book-server review-server order-server user-server zuul-server admin-server frontend-server zipkinsvr

run the command: [sudo] mvn clean package docker:build

This will create the 10 Spring images. The remaining non Spring images will be pulled from a Docker repository.

Note: Zipkin server dependencies are no more managed by Spring Cloud. Only Zipkin client dependencies are.

2. Volumes creation

In subdirectory docker/rabbitmq run the script:


This will start a RabbitMQ container. Then connect to RabbitMQ management on port 15672 (user guest, password guest), create a topic exchange named bookChangeTopic and a user spring with password password1234 with access permissions to this exchange. Then log out from management. Then kill the container using the command:


This kills the container but leaves the volume gutenberg-rabbitmq-db populated.

In subdirectory docker/booksonline run the scripts:


This will start a MongoDB container. Then kill the container using the command:


This kills the container but leaves the volume gutenberg-books-db populated.

3. Running the application

To start the application go to docker subdirectory and run the command:

sudo docker-compose up

All running Spring containers can be seen on Eureka port 8761.

The frontend itself is accessed on URL localhost:8080/gutenberg. A username and password are required. Here are the prepopulated users:

Username Password
Carol s1a2t3o4r
Albert a5r6e7p8o
Werner t4e3n2e1t
Alice o8p7e6r5a
Richard r1o2t3a4s
Sator sator1234
Arepo arepo1234
Tenet tenet1234
Opera opera1234
Rotas rotas1234

To stop the application run the command in docker subdirectory:

sudo docker-compose down

4. Using admin-service

To access admin-service the best way is to use Postman or any equivalent application. The URI is localhost:9090/admin.

Here are two snapshots of Postman interaction:

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5. Accessing MongoDB container

To access the MongoDB container run the command:

sudo docker exec -it docker\_books-mongodb\_1 /bin/bash

Then in container shell run the command:

mongo -u spring -p password1234 --authenticationDatabase booksonline

and then for example to display orders collection:

use booksonline

6. Using Redis cache and messaging

Some frontend-server requests use Redis cache instead of a request to book-server. When a book price is changed by admin-server then a message is produced by admin-server with the book ID in the payload. This message is consumed by frontend-server that invalidate the Redis cache key for this book.

Note that in this implementation traces are sent to Zipkin over HTTP rather than over the broker. I chose this approach to keep things simple and avoid any addditional configuration.

7. Tracing requests and messages

To see traces connect to Zipkin server by hitting the URL localhost:9411.

All requests traces can be analyzed. An example is shown on this snapshot:

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Message traces can be analyzed. An example is shown on this snapshot:

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Dependencies can be displayed. An example can be seen on this snapshot:

alt text


I present here a microservice-oriented application that uses some basic Docker features including docker-compose. It consists of a collection of separate servers all running in Docker containers. All servers send traces to a Zipkin server also running in a container.







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