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I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

This website is my personal website.

My email is ... pavel [at] zheln [dot] com.

ORCiD | LinkedIn | GitHub | Twitter



PhD in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Health Systems Research – Organization and Management Studies)

(enrolled full-time)

Link to Graduate Student Directory

Provisional thesis title: Health research waste reduction: an organizational solution

Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation

University of Toronto

Supervisor: Dr. Andrea Tricco, MSc, PHD

Co-registered as a graduate student at the Knowledge Translation Program of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital (Unity Health Toronto)

Toronto, ON, Canada


Pavlov University

Saint Petersburg, Russia


  • Completed 60 units toward the Candidate of Sciences in Medicine degree (Doctor of Philosophy – PhD Equivalent) in Traumatology and Orthopedics
  • Passed first-year qualifying exams
  • GPA: 4.7 out of 5.0 / 3.7 out of 4.0 (A-/Distinction)
  • Withdrew for family reasons


Diploma of Postgraduate Education in Traumatology and Orthopedics

Pavlov University

Saint Petersburg, Russia

GPA: 4.8 out of 5.0 / 3.8 out of 4.0 (A-/Distinction)


Specialist Diploma in General Medicine – Combined Doctor of Medicine (MD) and Master’s Degree Equivalent

Pavlov University

Saint Petersburg, Russia

GPA: 4.6 out of 5.0 / 3.6 out of 4.0 (B+/Distinction)




Total: 108

Reading: 29 / Listening: 27 / Speaking: 26 / Writing: 26


Certificate to Practice Traumatology and Orthopedics in Russia

Pavlov University

Saint Petersburg, Russia


Accreditation to Practice Primary Care Medicine in Russia

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Moscow, Russia


Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF)

Niveau B2




2nd place winner

7th International Medical Congress of Junior Researchers “Saint Petersburg Readings” (Traumatology and Orthopedics), Saint Petersburg, Russia



1st place winner

Traumatology and Orthopedics

78th Conference “Current Problems of Experimental and Clinical Medicine”, Saint Petersburg, Russia


3rd place winner

Traumatology and Orthopedics

77th Conference “Current Problems of Experimental and Clinical Medicine”, Saint Petersburg, Russia


3rd place winner

Latin Studies

Students’ Conference “Students’ Science”, Saint Petersburg, Russia



Exploring part-time employment options as a full-time graduate student up to 20 hours per week as per R186(V)



Freelance Medical Writer

Technological Platforms

Upwork | Freelancer

Mexico City, Mexico

Key Responsibilities:

  • Monitor and apply for relevant projects.
  • Plan and conduct applied research and write reports for healthcare industry stakeholders or blog posts for various audiences.
  • Track and report work hours, including self-managing own agile work flow with Jira.
  • Communicate effectively with clients from different time zones, industry areas, and linguistic backgrounds.

Key Achievements:


Independent Researcher/Tutor


Saint Petersburg, Russia

Key Responsibilities:

  • Run own research/educational projects.
  • Seek funding and hire collaborators.
  • Manage own finances and time, including switching between currencies and time zones.

Key Achievements:


Orthopedic Traumatologist Physician

Administrative Department for the Implementation of Functions of a National Medical Research Center

Priorov National Medical Research Centre of Traumatology and Orthopaedics

Moscow, Russia

Key Responsibilities:

Key Achievements:

  • Demonstrated profound knowledge of current practices in grading the certainty of evidence and choosing the strength of recommendation.
  • Made advanced use of current data and text management software in applied health research
  • Showed good comprehension, delivered the required information in a timely manner and well-presented format, and was easy to work with.
  • Curated development of and/or coauthored 20+ national clinical practice guideline projects from draft to regulatory approvement.


Startup Co-Founder

(currently not operational)

Historical Dev Blog is online

Saint Petersburg, Russia

Key Responsibilities:

  • Collaborate with four other co-founders to create a technical design document for a social crowdsourcing network for global researchers.
  • Participate in the team meetings twice a week as part of a Scrum Agile process.
  • Design and run the market research strategy.

Key Achievements:

  • Contributed to the creation of the landing page and the minimum viable product web site.
  • Designed, conducted, and published a rapid market-scoping review and a survey targeting a population of 12,800 potential users.


Emergency Orthopedic Trauma Surgeon

Department of Orthopedic Trauma #2

Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine

Saint Petersburg, Russia

Key Responsibilities:

  • Provide emergency department management to patients with orthopedic injuries presenting to a major trauma center.
  • Operate on patients with orthopedic and spinal emergencies.

Key Achievements:

  • Streamlined management of the incoming flow of patients with spine problems by designing and, in collaboration with the IT team, implementing an extension to the institutional electronic health records system.
  • Treated 500+ orthopedic cases, with 100+ specialist spinal cases.


Medical Reviewer

Foreign Travel Department

Class-Assistance Ltd.

Saint Petersburg, Russia

Key Responsibilities:

  • Review medical and financial documentation related to foreign travel insurance cases.
  • Translate medical records and related invoices to Russian from English and, in part, several other languages (e.g., Turkish, Bulgar, German, French).

Key Achievements:

  • Designed and volunteered to provide comprehensive time tracking reports that improved managerial decision-making.
  • Volunteered to research various legal, procedural, and scientific documentation that increased transparency of the medical review services delivered by the Department.
  • Gained operational knowledge about health systems in 30+ countries worldwide.
  • Completed authorized translations of 300+ medical records (144,000 words) from English-speaking countries.


Crowd Transcriptionist

Key Responsibilities:

  • Transcribe 1-minute-long chunks of voice recordings in American, British, or Australian English.

Key Achievements:

  • Transcribed 45 minutes of audio overall, including voice recordings of very low quality and comprehensibility.


Ward Nurse

Department of Neurosurgery #2

City Hospital No. 26

Saint Petersburg, Russia

Key Responsibilities:

  • Provide nursing care to patients with neurosurgical disorders of traumatic and non-traumatic origin, including the critically ill.
  • Perform and assist physicians with performing routine neurosurgical ward procedures.

Key Achievements:

  • Learned to be gentle and caring with socially disadvantaged and mentally challenged patients and to provide palliative and end-of-life care, including working with the patients' family.
  • Gained firm basic medical procedural skills.


Membership in Professional Associations:



Association for Interdisciplinary Meta-Research and Open Science

Melbourne, VIC, Australia



Russian Society for Evidence-Based Medicine

Moscow, Russia

Chair: Professor Olga Yu. Rebrova, PhD

Key Responsibilities:

  • Monitor, translate to Russian, conduct an evidence review, and publish medical news for general audiences and health care professionals on the Society's web resources.
  • Contribute to the development of national clinical practice guidelines in traumatology and orthopedics as a work group member on behalf of the Society.
  • Advocate evidence-based practice and follow the Society's ethical code while practising as a physician.

Key Achievements:

Other Activities:


Evidence Ambassador

World Evidence-Based Healthcare Day

Key Achievements:

  • Participated in an awareness campaign by posting social media and blog posts both in English and Russian.
  • Received recognition with the Zheln project included on the Evidence Ambassadors list on the campaign's website.
  • Took part in several allied webinars as a visitor.


Founder of an Online Students' Learning Resource

Saint Petersburg, Russia

Key Achievements:

  • Created a social media learning resource for Russian-speaking medical students.
  • Have been raising evidence-based practice awareness since 2016.
  • Currently at 500+ subscribers.



Student Lead

Spine Surgery Group of the Students' Research Society

Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics

Pavlov University

Saint Petersburg, Russia

Supervisor: Professor Denis I. Kutyanov, MD, PhD

Key Responsibilities:

  • Mentor undergraduate and postgraduate students who come to take part in the research conducted by the Department.
  • Ensure that the Department's planned research activities are on schedule.
  • Help convene the public events organized by the Department.

Key Achievements:



  • 9 evidence synthesis projects.
  • 4 research methodology/software projects.
  • Principal Investigator or methodologist in most.
  • Clinical study experience.
  • Policy-making and knowledge-translation experience:
    • administrative and editorial contributions to 34 national clinical practice guidelines in orthopedic surgery;
    • task force member in 12 guidelines;
    • 22 guidelines approved for use as active regulations according to Russian Federal Law;
    • used as reference for the development of federal universal health care reimbursement standards and quality assurance criteria.
  • Published translation experience.
  • 12 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
  • 100% Open Access to published work.
  • Funding: own projects all volunteer work, self-funded, or crowdfunded; collaborations mostly supported by collaborators’ research grants or self-funded.



(systematic review in progress)

Zhelnov P, Suponin A, Potanin A, Lomazov A, Vladimirova K, Lepik K, Muslimov A. Therapeutic vaccines for follicular lymphoma: a systematic review protocol. OSF Preprints. 2023. doi: 10.31219/

Funding: This research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation under grant # 22-25-00516.


(scoping review in progress)

Muslimov A, Zhelnov P. Nucleic-acid tuberculosis vaccines: a scoping review protocol. OSF Preprints. 2022. doi: 10.31219/

Funding: This research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (agreement No. 075-10-2021-113, unique project ID RF----193021X0001).


(methods paper on hold)

Papers in Peer-reviewed Journals:

1. Meloncelli N, Young A, Christoffersen A, Rushton A, Zhelnov P, Wilkinson SA, Scott AM, de Jersey S. Co-designing nutrition interventions with consumers: A scoping review. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2022 Sep 2. doi: 10.1111/jhn.13082. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36056610.

The first published scoping review featuring the '2-week' methodology (Clark et al., 2020)

Funding: None

Other publications:

Meloncelli N, Young A, Christoffersen A, Zhelnov P, Rushton A, Wilkinson S, Scott AM, de Jersey S. The use of co-design for dietary interventions: protocol for a 2 week scoping review [Internet]. OSF; 2022. Available from:


(publication pending due to copyright issues)

Zhelnov P, Alikov Z, Kutianov D, Dulaev A, Iskrovskiy S. A Russian translation for: Vaccaro AR, Oner C, Kepler CK, Dvorak M, Schnake K, Bellabarba C, Reinhold M, Aarabi B, Kandziora F, Chapman J, Shanmuganathan R, Fehlings M, Vialle L; AOSpine Spinal Cord Injury & Trauma Knowledge Forum. AOSpine thoracolumbar spine injury classification system: fracture description, neurological status, and key modifiers. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 Nov 1;38(23):2028-37. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e3182a8a381.

With permission from the lead author Dr. Alexander Vaccaro and the AO Foundation

Funding: Self-funded


(on hold due to low yield)

Zhelnov P. Translating PRISMA 2020 into Russian [Internet]. OSF; 2020. Available from:

In collaboration with Dr. Matthew J. Page of the PRISMA 2020 Update Core Group

Funding: Crowdfunding initiated; <$50 donations so far




National clinical practice guideline program in traumatology and orthopedics

Listed as a task force member:

Funding: Employment



Bardavelidze G, Zhelnov P, Bykov V. Patient-reported outcomes of preserved tibial insertions in pediatric anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with a semitendinosus-gracilis tendon autograft: a retrospective cohort study [Internet]. OSF; 2021. Available from:

Funding: Self-funded



Zhelnov P, Parfenenkova A, Zosen D, Karandasheva K, Lepik K, Muslimov A, Chekalov A, Anoshkin K, Trofimov M. Pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals for engineered negligible senescence in humans: a scoping review of clinical and basic research [Internet]. OSF; 2021. Available from:

Funding: None (so far); a preliminary LoI submitted for a $25,000 SENS Research Foundation grant



Zhelnov P. A protocol for a universal living overview of health-related systematic reviews [Internet]. PROSPERO; 2021. CRD42021224418. Available from:

Funding: Crowdfunding initiated; <$50 donations so far


(no active support)

Zhelnov P. Sebzer: A citation export tool for eLIBRARY.RU (Russian Science Citation Index) [Internet]. Systematic Review Toolbox; 2019. Available from:

Funding: None


(preprint published)

Zhelnov P. Global researchers in need, and what there is to support them: a Rapid Electronic Scoping Updatable Extensible Review (RESCUER) [Internet]. OSF Preprints; 2020. Available from:

Funding: None


(report published)

Zhelnov P. Updating PRISMA: A prospective piloting case study [Internet]. OSF; 2020. Available from:

Acknowledged in the PRISMA 2020 Statement

Funding: None

Other publications:

Zhelnov P. Updating PRISMA: A piloting case study [Internet]. OSF; 2020. Available from:


(template published)

Zhelnov P. PRISMA-S: PRISMA Search Reporting Extension (Checklist in R Markdown) [Internet]. OSF; 2020. Available from:

Funding: None



Papers in Peer-reviewed Journals:

2. Dulaev AK, Kutyanov DI, Iskrovskiy SV, Menshova NT, Zhelnov PV. [Recommendation base for the delivery of specialized medical care to patients with spine and spinal cord injury in Russia: scoping review]. Khir Pozvonochnika. 2021 Dec;18(4):41–54. Russian. doi: 10.14531/ss2021.4.41-54.

Funding: The work was performed under the research project of the state task of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 2020–2022 (Improvement of national clinical guidelines for the treatment of patients with spine and spinal cord injury, No. A-A20-120021890131-4).

Other publications:

Dulaev A, Kutianov D, Iskrovskii S, Menshova N, Zhelnov P. Content and quality of recommendations on tertiary management of patients with spinal injuries in Russia: A systematic scoping review [Internet]. OSF; 2020. Available from:



Papers in Peer-reviewed Journals:

3. Dulaev AK, Kutianov DI, Zhelnov PV, Brizhan SL. [Healthcare resources to care for spinal conditions: international experience (a systematic scoping review)]. Genii Ortop. 2020 Dec;26(4):607-615. Russian. doi: 10.18019/1028-4427-2020-26-4-607-615.

Funding: None

Other publications:

Dulaev A, Kutianov D, Zhelnov P, Brizhan' S. Adminstration of health care to patients with diseases of the spine: the experience of the foreign countries (a scoping review) [Internet]. OSF; 2020. Available from:



Papers in Peer-reviewed Journals:

4. Dulaev AK, Manukovskiy VA, Kutyanov DI, Bulakhtin YY, Brizhan' SL, Zhelnov PV. [Development of management of emergency surgical care for patients with acute traumatic and nontraumatic spinal pathologies in conditions of megapolis]. Vestn Khir Im I I Grek. 2017 Dec;176(4):39-43. Russian. doi: 10.24884/0042-4625-2017-176-4-39-43.

Funding: None

Other publications:

Papers in Peer-reviewed Journals:

5. Dulaev AK, Manukovskiy VA, Kutyanov DI, Brizhan' SL, Zhelnov PV. [Surgical treatment of patients with acute non-traumatic spinal disorders in the urban center of spine emergency surgery]. Skor Med Pomoshch. 2017 Mar;18(1):14-19. Russian. doi: 10.24884/2072-6716-2017-18-1-14-19.

6. Dulaev AK, Manukovsky VA, Kutyanov DI, Brizhan SL, Zhelnov PV. [A centralized system of specialized surgical care for patients with acute non-traumatic spine pathology in the modern metropolis]. Khir Pozvonochnika. 2017 Jun;14(2):41-49. Russian. doi: 10.14531/ss2017.2.41-49. 

7. Dulaev AK, Manukovskii VA, Kutianov DI, Brizhan' SL, Dulaeva NM, Bulakhtin IuIu, Zhelnov PV. [Diagnosis and treatment tactics of specialized medical care provided for patientswith spinal disorders at an emergency unit of spinal surgery]. Genii Ortop. 2017 Dec;23(4):429-438. Russian. doi: 10.18019/1028-4427-2017-23-4-429-438.

8. Dulaev AK, Manukovskii VA, Kutianov DI, Parshin MS, Dulaev DV, Zhelnov PV, Alikov ZIu. [Spine and spinal cord injuries in a Russian metropolitan area: incidence, injury characteristics, and public bed demand]. Skor Med Pomoshch. 2018;19(3):13-18. Russian. doi: 10.24884/2072-6716-2018-19-3-13-18.

9. Dulaev AK, Manukovski VA, Kutyanov DI, Parshin MS, Dulaev DV, Brizhan SL, Iskrovskiy SV, Zhelnov PV. [Analysis of secondary care provided to trauma victims with thoracic and lumbar spine injuries in a setting of an urban centre for acute spinal surgery]. Uch Zap St Peterbg Gos Med Univ Im Akad I P Pavlov. 2018 Dec;25(4):57-63. Russian. doi: 10.24884/1607-4181-2018-25-4-57-63.

10. Dulaev AK, Manukovskiy VA, Kutyanov DI, Iskrovskiy SV, Brizhan SL, Zhelnov PV, Dulaeva NM. [The efficiency of the centralized system for delivery of specialized medical care to victims with acute spinal cord injury in a modern metropolis]. Khir Pozvonochnika. 2019 Mar;16(1):8-15. Russian. doi: 10.14531/ss2019.1.8-15.

11. Dulaev AK, Kutyanov DI, Manukovskiy VA, Parshin MS, Iskrovskiy SV, Zhelnov PV. [Decision-making and technical choice in instrumental fixation for neurologically uncomplicated isolated burst fractures of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae]. Khir Pozvonochnika. 2019 Jun;16(2):7-17. Russian. doi: 10.14531/ss2019.2.7-17.

12. Dulaev AK, Kutyanov DI, Manukovskiy VA, Iskrovskiy SV, Zhelnov PV. [Influence of administrative factors on the effectiveness of health care delivery to victims with acute spine and spinal cord injuries: regional retrospective study as a base for improving national clinical guidelines]. Khir Pozvonochnika. 2020 Oct;17(3):32-42. Russian. doi: 10.14531/ss2020.3.32-42.



Zhelnov P. Early minimally invasive posterior fixation v. other management strategies for neurologically intact fractures of thoracic or lumbar vertebrae in alive adults: An umbrella systematic literature review [Internet]. GitHub; 2018. Available from:

Funding: None


Did not publish due to clinical years in medical school


(source code lost)

Zhelnov PV. [Some aspects of the development of a Russian-Latin and Latin-Russian automatic translator of detailed clinical diagnoses]. Student Science-2012: Proceedings of the All-Russian Student Scientific Conference; 2012 Oct 18-19; Saint Petersburg, Russia. Saint Petersburg: SPbGPMU; 2012. Russian. Available at:СНО/Студ%20наука%202018/прошедшие/Сbornik%20materialov_%20Сtudencheskaya%20nauka-%202012.pdf

Funding: None


Computer skills:

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SQL/MySQL/SQLite (Competent)

Git/GitHub (Competent)

Jira/Agile/Scrum (Competent)

BibTeX/Markdown/Pandoc (Competent)

HTML/CSS/Jekyll/Bootstrap (Competent)

R statistical software (Competent)

JavaScript/C#/VBA/PHP/C/Bash/Python (Junior Developer)

Layer-1 & Layer-2 Blockchains/Solana/Ethereum/Solidity (NFT Developer)


English (Fluent – С1/С2)

Russian (Native – С2)

French (Intermediate – B1/B2)

Spanish (Pre-intermediate – A2)

Ukrainian (Pre-intermediate – A2)

Worked with medical and financial documentation in Turkish, Bulgarian, and Indonesian

Started learning German and Japanese