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IFSFIT is a general-purpose library for fitting the continuum, emission lines, and absorption lines in integral field spectra (IFS). It uses PPXF (the Penalized Pixel-Fitting method developed by Cappellari & Emsellem, 2004, PASP, 116, 138) to find the best fit stellar continuum (using a user-defined library of stellar templates and including additive polynomials), or optionally a user-defined method to find the best fit continuum. It uses MPFIT to simultaneously fit Gaussians to any number of emission lines and emission line velocity components. It will also fit the NaI D feature using analytic absorption and/or emission-line profiles, or a generic absorption-line doublet or multiplet function (such as MgII 2796/3802).


IDL v8.0 or higher (last tested with v8.6)

IDL libraries:

These libraries must be downloaded by the end user and installed in a location that is in the IDL path.

Note that the IDL Astronomy User's Library ships with some Coyote routines, and IDLUTILS ships with the IDL Astronomy User's Library and MPFIT. However, it's not clear how well these libraries keep track of each other, so it is preferable to download each package separately and delete the redundant routines that ship within other packages.

To fit stellar continua, templates are required. E.g., the population synthesis models from Gonzalez-Delgado et al. (2005, MNRAS, 357, 945) are available at

The enclosed routine IFSF_GDTEMP can be used to convert these tables into a form readable by IFSF.

IFSFIT also ships with the external routine CONSEC.PRO written by John Johnson.


Usage is in principle straigtforward. The continuum and emission-line fitting is run from the command line as

IFSF,'initialization_file' [,cols=[low,high],rows=[low,high], etc.]

and then the results are processed using

IFSFA,'initialization_file' [,cols=[low,high],rows=[low,high], etc.]

The latter produces plots of the lines fit, a table of emission line parameters and a table of fit results, and an IDL save file containing a "data cube" of emission line parameters. If desired, it will also normalize the continuum around NaI D 5890, 5896 and estimate various parameters of this feature.

The initialization file defines an IDL function that returns an initialization structure, INITDAT. The tags of this structure, and a description of each one, are found in INITTAGS.txt. Several tags are required, but most are optional.

The initialization function should also define two other structures, INITMAPS and INITNAD, and also call these as keyword arguments. The first of these, INITMAPS, controls how IFSF_MAKEMAPS processes the output of IFSFA into parameter maps. This routine produces various emission-line, continuum, and absorption-line maps. The possible tags for INITMAPS are described in INITTAGS.txt. If IFSF_MAKEMAPS is not used, INITMAPS can be set to an empty structure.

The second of these other initialization structures, INITNAD, controls how the region around the NaI D feature is fit using IFSF_FITNAD. This routine fits emission and absorption-line models to HeI 5876 and NaI D 5890, 5896 and produces plots of the fits and a "data cube" with fit parameters. The routine also estimates errors using Monte Carlo methods. The error estimation can be sped up using multi-core parallel processing. The possible tags for INITNAD are described in INITTAGS.txt. If IFSF_MAKEMAPS is not used, INITNAD can be set to an empty structure.

There are a considerable number of knobs that can be turned to optimize/customize the fits and customize the outputs. An example initialization file is included (init/

The other user-modifiable initialization procedure that is required is one that sets the initial emission-line parameter structure for input into MPFIT. Included in this version is a procedure that is optimized for the GMOS instrument (init/ and contains line parameters pertaining to strong emission lines in the wavelength range 4000-7000 A. However, this code can be relatively easily adapated to other instruments and to include parameters (like fixed line ratios) for other emission lines. The code has in the past been used to successfully fit data from many instruments: GMOS, LRIS, NIFS, OSIRIS, and WiFeS.


(0) Create nuclear template

IDL> ifsf_makeqsotemplate,'nuclearspectrum.fits','nucleartemplate.xdr'

(1) Fit total spectra with quasar + exponential starlight model + emission lines. (2) Calculate starlight-only spectra.

In the initialization file, the REFIT tag under the ARGSCONTFIT
tag should be commented out. The tag QSOXDR under ARGSCONTFIT
should equal the path and filename of the template created in step
(0). The HOST tag should be a structure with one tag, DAT_FITS
that gives the path and filename of the output starlight-only

IDL> ifsf,'ifsf_qsodeblend_example'
IDL> ifsfa,'ifsf_qsodeblend_example'

Output: starlight.fits

(3) Spatially integrate spectra

IDL> ifsr_spaxsum,'starlight.fits','starlight_spatiallyintegrated.fits',[x1,y1,x2,y2]
IDL> ifsr_spaxsum,'datacube.fits','totalspectrum.fits',[x1,y1,x2,y2]

(4) Fit spatially-integrated starlight spectrum with stellar templates. Stellar templates must be included with the STARTEMPFILE tag.

IDL> ifsf,'ifsf_qsodeblend_example_host',/oned
IDL> ifsfa,'ifsf_qsodeblend_example_host',/oned

(5) Fit spatially-integrated total spectrum with quasar + stellar templates + polynomial + emission lines.

IDL> ifsf,'ifsf_qsodeblend_example_total',/oned

(6) Choose best-fit SPS model from steps (4) and (5) and sum over ages.

Re-run IFSF/IFSFA on chosen model (host or total) and then run:

IDL> ifsf_makestellartemplate,'/path/fitdir/galaxyshorthand_0001.xdr','/path/starlighttemplate.xdr'

(7) Fit total spectra with quasar + SPS starlight model + emission lines. (8) Calculate starlight-only spectra.

and change name of DAT_FITS file under HOST tag so that previous
starlight spectra are not overwritten.

IDL> ifsf,'ifsf_qsodeblend_example'

(9) Spatially integrate spectra.

IDL> ifsr_spaxsum,'/path/starlight_iter1.fits','/path/starlight_spatiallyintegrated_iter1.fits',[x1,y1,x2,y2]

(10) Fit spatially-integrated starlight spectrum.

IDL> ifsf,'ifsf_qsodeblend_host',/oned

(11) Compare SPS fits to starlight-only spectrum. Iterate from step 6 if (significantly) different. Finish if same (within tolerance).


IFSF_MANYGAUSS, the routine that evaluates the emission line Gaussians, assumes constant dispersion (in A/pix) and that there are no "holes" in the spectrum (i.e., that each wavelength follows the next by simply adding the dispersion). If you have a variable dispersion or gaps in your wavelength array, either modify IFSF_MANYGAUSS to fit your needs or use IFSF_MANYGAUSS_SLOW (which, as its name implies, is slower).


The primary task, IFSF, can be run with the keyword NCORES to parallelize the analysis among any number of cores. This will speed up execution by a factor that is not exactly NCORES but is still large.

PPXF can be sped up (by some significant, but as-yet-unknown, factor) by calling a pre-compiled Fortran version of BVLS. The entire IFSF routine will be sped up by a smaller amount that depends on the data quality, number of emission lines fit, number of stellar templates, etc. This is accomplished by following the recipe below. (Tested with IDL v8.5.1, gcc v6.2.0 from, on a Machine running Mac OS X El Capitan and the MacPorts X11 tools.)

  1. Download a Fortran version of BVLS here:

    or here:

    In the former case, the BVLS subroutines can be split up from the single downloaded file using F90SPLIT:

    In the latter case, the files will have to be extracted from the source code more carefully.

  2. Rename the subroutine BVLS as BVLS1, which is what the wrapper routine (below) will actually call.

  3. Copy the contents of the ./bvls/ subdirectory in the IFSFIT distribution to the same directory as the BVLS source code.

    BVLS_WRAPF.F is an edited version of the example wrapper program (VECADD_WRAPF.F) found here:

    BVLSF90.SH is a shell script that will compile and link together the BVLS source code and wrapper program, and is again an edited version of the example compilation script (BVLS.SH) found here:

  4. Edit the shell script with the location of the resulting library file, and then run the script:

    % chmod +x % ./

    Note that GFORTRAN must be callable from the command line. If desired, edit the shell script with your own Fortran compiler and options.

  5. Edit PPXF by commenting out these lines:

    ; BVLS, A, B, bnd, soluz, ITMAX=15*s[2], IERR=ierr ; if ierr ne 0 then message, 'BVLS Error n. ' + strtrim(ierr,2)

    and replacing them with these:

    soluz = dblarr(s[2]) rnorm = 0d nsetp = 0 w = dblarr(s[2]) index = lonarr(s[2]) ierr = 0 result = $ CALL_EXTERNAL('/Location/of/library/libbvls.dylib', 'bvls_', $ s[1],s[2],A,B,bnd,soluz,rnorm,nsetp,w,index,ierr) if ierr ne 0 then message, 'BVLS Error n. ' + string(ierr,format='(I0)')

    Note that some of these steps may be somewhat architecture-dependent. E.g., the argument 'bvls_' is determined by running

    % nm libbvls.dylib

    which yields 'bvls' as the subroutine name within the library. The leading '_' must be dropped.


To calculate gas E(B-V) in IFSF_MAKEMAPS, switch on the EBV tag in INIT as in the IFSF_QSODEBLEND_EXAMPLE.PRO initialization file. This calculates EBV for total flux (summed over components) and the flux on a component-by-component basis. The TITLE tags are plot labels, and selecting APPLY produces corrected fluxes, outputs them to a file, and applies the extinction correction to the spatially-integrated total fluxes and to Halpha line fluxes, masses, energies, and momenta computed in any outflow calculation. It does not presently apply the extinction correction to line ratios or to plots of line flux maps.

Presently the correction is only done using the E(B-V) calculated from the total flux (summed over components). I.e., you can correct the flux on a component-by-component basis but it uses the total (summed over components) E(B-V). IFSFIT will output the corrected fluxes into XDR files with suffixes '.emlflxcor_pp.xdr' and '.emlflxcor_med.xdr'. The '_pp' version does a correction on a per-pixel basis, and uses the median value if E(B-V) could not be calculated. The ‘_med’ version uses the median E(B-V) (calculated as a spatial median) from the entire map. The WINDSTR output from IFSF_MAKEMAPS will also contain the spatially-integrated corrected fluxes in the tag E_FLUX_TOT. This in turn contains the extinction-corrected, spatially-integrated fluxes in the structure tags COMP_UNEXT_PP, COMP_UNEXT_MED, TOT_UNEXT_PP, and TOT_UNEXT_MED.

IFSFIT can implement E(B-V) on the stellar continuum within PPXF; set EBV_STAR = 1 in INIT. It will Monte Carlo the errors over NITER iterations on stellar E(B-V) by setting MCERRORS = {niter: YOUR_VALUE_HERE}.


Feel free to contact David Rupke at with questions, bug reports, etc.

Modifications are encouraged, but subject to the license.


Copyright (C) 2013--2021 David S. N. Rupke

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Astronomy spectral fitting software optimized for integral field spectroscopy (IFS).







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