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@github-actions github-actions released this 17 Nov 15:44
· 35 commits to main since this release

Release Blog Post:


Download one of the installers, extract and run the installer script scripts/drgadm from the main directory of
the archive.

You will need:

  • Bash
  • kubectl
  • curl
  • helm
  • Podman or docker
  • A Kubernetes cluster (also see below)

By default, the cluster type will be aligned with the downloaded installer. However, you can override this using
the CLUSTER variable:

env CLUSTER=kind ./scripts/drgadm deploy


minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 16384 --disk-size 20gb --addons ingress
minikube tunnel # in a separate terminal, as it keeps running
./scripts/drgadm deploy


kind create cluster --config=deploy/kind/cluster-config.yaml
./scripts/drgadm deploy

Code Ready Containers

crc start --cpus 8 --memory 32768
env CLUSTER=openshift ./scripts/drgadm deploy -p crc

Breaking changes

To accomodate the TLS-PSK feature the spec.credentials have been tweaked a bit. We took the opportunity to remove the odd spec.credentials.credentials array and move it to spec.authentication.credentials.
A new credential type have been added specifically for the PSK.
You can upgrade safely as we'll keep the old format working for another cycle.
You can also migrate your devices data using the provided script: drgadm migrate <yourAppId>
Make sure to have the latest drg installed !