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MicroBankingServices 🏦

MicroBankingServices is a cutting-edge project designed to transform banking operations through a microservices architecture. The project encompasses the following microservices:

1. Customer Service 🤝

  • Manages all aspects related to the bank's clients.
  • Enables the creation, retrieval, and modification of customer information.

2. Account Service 💼

  • Manages bank accounts with comprehensive details, including the account identifier, creation date, type (CURRENT_ACCOUNT or SAVING_ACCOUNT), and status (CREATED, ACTIVATED, SUSPENDED, BLOCKED).
  • Supports advanced operations such as:
    • 💵 Debiting an account with a specified amount
    • 💳 Crediting an account with a specified amount
    • ↔️ Transferring an amount from one account to another
  • Maintains a detailed transaction history for each account operation. Each transaction record includes a unique number, date, amount, description, and type (DEBIT or CREDIT).

3. Discovery Service (Eureka Server) 🌐

  • Implements a Discovery Service using Eureka Server.
  • Facilitates dynamic service registration and discovery within the microservices ecosystem.

4. Gateway Service (Spring Cloud Gateway) 🌉

  • Establishes a Gateway Service using Spring Cloud Gateway.
  • Manages the routing of requests to the respective microservices based on their specific paths.

5. Configuration Service ⚙️

  • Develops a centralized Configuration Service.
  • Enables dynamic configuration management for all microservices, ensuring flexibility and scalability.

6. Security (OAuth2 OIDC with Keycloak) 🔒

  • Integrates OAuth2 OIDC (OpenID Connect) for authentication and authorization.
  • Utilizes Keycloak as the identity provider for secure access control.
  • Implements token-based authentication to protect sensitive operations and resources.

MicroBankingServices leverages the power of microservices to create a distributed, scalable, and efficient banking system. With Eureka Server for service discovery, Spring Cloud Gateway for efficient routing, and a centralized Configuration Service, the project aims to provide a seamless and dynamic banking experience.